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Author Topic: Looking for help in training in indonesia  (Read 4429 times)


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Looking for help in training in indonesia
« on: 01/08/2007 01:10 »
salaams to all the silat teachers on the site,

I have already posted this request on the site in another forum so apologies if you have already seen this.

I am looking to come to indonesia to train in silat and would like some advice from the teachers on the site on how I go about this. I am interested in silat from both java such as cikalong / cimande and the minang / sumatran systems. I have done some grappling but having seen some of the harimau type takedowns and locks on dvds have been so impressed by their effectiveness.

I used to train jkd / kali many years ago but with kids and work it went on hold, I have just got back into training with some friends and would like to pursue the silat.

I have noticed some teaches names on various posts here such as

Wak Entir Maenpo Cikalong Pancerbumi
Cecep A Rahman

how does a person such as myself contact schools in indonesia? I understand there is a padepokan in jakarta which is promoting silat, would the teachers here
recomend I contact them, if so how do I do  that.

sorry for so many questions but I suppose they are the ones on many potential new silat students minds

looking forward to your replies
salaams Moneef


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Re: Looking for help in training in indonesia
« Reply #1 on: 01/08/2007 07:19 »
salaams to all the silat teachers on the site,

I have already posted this request on the site in another forum so apologies if you have already seen this.

I am looking to come to indonesia to train in silat and would like some advice from the teachers on the site on how I go about this. I am interested in silat from both java such as cikalong / cimande and the minang / sumatran systems. I have done some grappling but having seen some of the harimau type takedowns and locks on dvds have been so impressed by their effectiveness.

I used to train jkd / kali many years ago but with kids and work it went on hold, I have just got back into training with some friends and would like to pursue the silat.

I have noticed some teaches names on various posts here such as

Wak Entir Maenpo Cikalong Pancerbumi
Cecep A Rahman

how does a person such as myself contact schools in indonesia? I understand there is a padepokan in jakarta which is promoting silat, would the teachers here
recomend I contact them, if so how do I do  that.

sorry for so many questions but I suppose they are the ones on many potential new silat students minds

looking forward to your replies
salaams Moneef

Wa'alaikum salaam, Moneef...

If responses here are a lttle slow, maybe you would like to post your question on the silat indonesia mailing list? You can become a member from this site, and everyone who is anyone is there ....hm, might be an exageration but, you know what I mean.

batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali


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Re: Looking for help in training in indonesia
« Reply #2 on: 01/08/2007 15:51 »
Salaams Bram

Thanks for your idea, I have posted in the mailing list.. hoping to get a few replies



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Re: Looking for help in training in indonesia
« Reply #3 on: 01/08/2007 16:12 »
Hi Moneef,

We apologize, we have received you email but we don't reply it promptly.  ^:)^

We'd like to know your time table to come to Jakarta. Also your personal info such as full name, age etc. Just email it to me. Btw, I've sent you an email around 1-2 hours ago.

Kind regards.


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Re: Looking for help in training in indonesia
« Reply #4 on: 05/08/2007 13:51 »

salaams ,

I have sent reply to email, looking forward to your answer,

regards, MO


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