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Author Topic: Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007  (Read 142550 times)


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Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007
« on: 02/05/2007 12:22 »
The FP2STI (Forum Pecinta & Pelestari Silat Tradisional Indonesia.... sorry guys I don't know to translate this correctly into English :( but just say the FP2STI is the Indonesian Traditional Pencak Silat Community ;D) is organizing a Silat Tour to Cianjur (West Java) on 11 - 13 May 2007. Cianjur is known as the birth place for several traditional Sundanese pencak silat such as Maenpo Cikalong, Cikaret and Sabandar.

FYI, there are 3 most influential styles/aliran of pencak silat in West Java, namely Cimande, Cikalong and Sabandar. In Cianjur, we're going to meet 2 of them i.e. Cikalong & Sabandar. Actually, we were told that Cimande style also originated from a village in Cianjur area, called Mande village. 

Well, there are so many stories and legends regarding Cianjur, but on this silat tour, we're going to have a workshop with the masters of Cikalong, Cikaret & Sabandar. In the past, these silat were very secretive and only taught to the family members. But now they are willing to share with us their techniques.

Salam Pencak Silat,



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Re: Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007
« Reply #1 on: 03/05/2007 02:16 »
Please make some pictures and post them on the forum,
lots of people are interested in that matter.

What masters are you visiting on your tour, and are you going to visit the graves of the founders also.
For Cikalong you have to go to Perdalaman Cikundul, that's where R.H. Ibrahim's grave is located,
I have been there several times, and it's always a great experience to visit those places, and ofcourse pay your respect to the founders.
Meditation on those sites will bring you to another level of awareness

I'd like to go with you guys, but the distance is too far from my own backyard ;)


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Re: Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007
« Reply #2 on: 04/05/2007 17:56 »
Please make some pictures and post them on the forum,
lots of people are interested in that matter.

Kang Nagapasa & Kisawung, can u guys help me posting some of the pictures.....

What masters are you visiting on your tour, and are you going to visit the graves of the founders also.
For Cikalong you have to go to Perdalaman Cikundul, that's where R.H. Ibrahim's grave is located,
I have been there several times, and it's always a great experience to visit those places, and ofcourse pay your respect to the founders.
Meditation on those sites will bring you to another level of awareness

Yes, we are visiting not only the grave of R.H. Ibrahim but also gua Cilebut, a cave where H. Ibrahim spent about 3 years for meditative retreats to get inspiration in developing Maenpo Cikalong.

Among the masters:
Cikalong: R.H. Adang Arifin, H. Aceng, R.H. Aziz (from lineage of Gan Uweh (R.O. Soleh) --- R. Muhidin & R. Idrus --- R. Bratadilaga & R. Oding Ibrahim --- R.H. Ibrahim), known as Cikalong mainan Pasar Baru who still keep the original tradition of Cikalong which only have 10 jurus, 3 pancer and masagikuen.

Sabandar: Memed - I'll come back to you on his lineage

I'd like to go with you guys, but the distance is too far from my own backyard ;)

Hope that you can use your ilmu simpanan that can bring you to Indonesia in seconds..... ;D



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Re: Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007
« Reply #3 on: 05/05/2007 10:02 »
Please make some pictures and post them on the forum,
lots of people are interested in that matter.

Kang Nagapasa & Kisawung, can u guys help me posting some of the pictures.....

oke .. here is some picture by request  :D

Meditation Place of Founding Father Cikalong R.H.Ibrahim Djajaperbata
thats create Pencak / Maenpo Cikalong

pict from:
- aryanavsite.multiply.com
- nagapasa.multiply.com
« Last Edit: 05/05/2007 10:14 by kisawung »


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Re: Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007
« Reply #4 on: 05/05/2007 10:10 »
H.Aceng dan H.Azis action
Grand Master of Paguron Cikalong Pancer Bumi , Cianjur.


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Re: Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007
« Reply #5 on: 14/05/2007 10:31 »
just simple word i have to say about wisata silat yesterday.....

 amazed and satisfied 8)



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Re: Silat Tour to Cianjur 11-13 May 2007
« Reply #6 on: 21/07/2007 06:00 »
just simple word i have to say about wisata silat yesterday.....

 amazed and satisfied 8)


i am glad it all worked out for you


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