The FP2STI (Forum Pecinta & Pelestari Silat Tradisional Indonesia.... sorry guys I don't know to translate this correctly into English

but just say the FP2STI is the Indonesian Traditional Pencak Silat Community

) is organizing a Silat Tour to Cianjur (West Java) on 11 - 13 May 2007. Cianjur is known as the birth place for several traditional Sundanese pencak silat such as Maenpo Cikalong, Cikaret and Sabandar.
FYI, there are 3 most influential styles/aliran of pencak silat in West Java, namely Cimande, Cikalong and Sabandar. In Cianjur, we're going to meet 2 of them i.e. Cikalong & Sabandar. Actually, we were told that Cimande style also originated from a village in Cianjur area, called Mande village.
Well, there are so many stories and legends regarding Cianjur, but on this silat tour, we're going to have a workshop with the masters of Cikalong, Cikaret & Sabandar. In the past, these silat were very secretive and only taught to the family members. But now they are willing to share with us their techniques.
Salam Pencak Silat,