

30/12/2023 22:12 anaknaga: Mudik ke Forum ini.
Mampir dulu di penghujung 2023..
07/11/2021 17:43 santri kinasih: Holaaaaas
10/02/2021 10:29 anaknaga: Salam Silat..
Semoga Sadulur sekalian sehat semua di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. semoga olah raga dan rasa dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh kita. hampur 5 tahun tidak ada yang memberikan komen disini.
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salam perguruan dan padepokan silat seluruh nusantara.
02/07/2019 18:01 Putra Petir: Akhirnya masuk jua... wkwkwk
13/12/2016 10:49 Taufan: Yuk ke Festival Kampung Silat Jampang 17-18 Desember 2016!!!
20/09/2016 16:45 Dolly Maylissa: kangen diskusi disini
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Author Topic: [GUESTBOOK]  (Read 163762 times)


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« Reply #30 on: 27/11/2007 01:12 »
Hallo Huda,

you posted your message already 4 times in 3 new topics,
It's useless to post the same message in more then one thread, everyone can read it

Maybe its nicer to participate in the discussions we have already ;)

Anyhow; welcome at our forum :)


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« Reply #31 on: 06/12/2007 09:21 »
Greetings from the island of Guam,
My Name is Bill and I am a practitioner of Filipino and Chinese Kuntaw/Kuntao who recently got exposed to Cimande silat by Guro Mushtaq Ali and the Silat
Zulfikari group in Michigan.. I have been primarily a practitioner of Kuntao/Kuntaw for almost 40 yrs and am looking forward to the exchange of information on this forum.

Maraming Salamat

Bill Anderson
Defensive Tactics


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« Reply #32 on: 06/12/2007 19:36 »
Hello all...

My Name is Rama Wijaya, 30 years old, lived in Pondok Pinang, kebayoran Lama.

My first teacher in Martial Art is my Father, His come from TTKDH. Then I learn Karate from BKC, Silat (multi style) from Langlang Buana Jaya, Silat from Margaluyu, Silat from Sahbandar, Silat from Bangau Putih, Boxing, etc...

Nice to meet you all...
17 tapak duka nestapa... pukulan merindukan kekasih

Irfan Al Rashid

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« Reply #33 on: 16/01/2008 17:14 »

Hello Silat Sahabat...

My name is Irfan Al Rashid, and i have been a practitioner of Pencak Silat Gerak Ilham in London for the past 18 years. I have also been learning Silat Mustika Kwitang for the past 7 years in Jakarta from Haji Zakaria in the Kwitang area, as i am living and working in Indonesia now.

Anyway just poping in to say hello and what a good job you are all doing in running this forum and helping to promote this beautiful art!!! Please keep up the good work, and let us all train hard and humble ourselves to promote silat even further.....Ameen.

Best Regards



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« Reply #34 on: 17/01/2008 00:42 »
Hallo mas Irfan, apa khabar ? I think you can remember me.

Aren't you a son of Bung Aidinal Al-Rashid ? give him my best regards  [top]

« Last Edit: 17/01/2008 00:44 by EricB »


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« Reply #35 on: 21/01/2008 02:49 »
Hello Silat Sahabat...
My name is Irfan Al Rashid, and i have been a practitioner of Pencak Silat Gerak Ilham in London for the past 18 years. I have also been learning Silat Mustika Kwitang for the past 7 years in Jakarta from Haji Zakaria in the Kwitang area, as i am living and working in Indonesia now.....
Best Regards

Welcome and selamat datang to the forum Irfan! Sahabat, Irfan is a dedicated formidable silat athlete who impressed many a few years ago by fighting on with a broken foot. Yes, Kang Eric, I believe sahabat Irfan here is putranya Bang Aidinal.

What work are you doing in Indonesia and are you in Jakarta (as you mention you are studying with Ayah Zakaria)?

I think it would be beneficial for all if you would post more (in english) about Mustika Kwitang, because we know that there is the issue of there being a 'Guru Besar' of Mustika Kwitang in the USA. Has there been any gestures from USA to join 'silaturahmi' with the Kwitang kampung in Jakarta or was all that hullabaloo a few years ago in the internet for nothing?

Is there any difference between the Jakarta Mustika Kwitang and the USA Mustika Kwitang? Are there still two Guru Besar in the school?

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Irfan Al Rashid

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« Reply #36 on: 23/01/2008 10:55 »

Hello again silat brothers,

Pak Eric and Mas Bram,Yes I am Pak Aidinal's son..hehe...good to hear from you all. Pak Eric of course I remember youI havnt seen you in years i think since Belgium Open 2003, I hope you and the family are well. Pak Aidinal sends his salams to you all. Mas Bram, I have been in jakarta now 7 months, when are you coming out next? As for the that issue with Mustika Kwitang in the US i havn't heard anything since that post on the other forum. I was with Babe Zakaria last night, and he is doing very well, still training and healthy like the Betawi warrior that he is, alhamdulliah. From what babe Zaka has told me, it is all untrue and false claims Mustika Kwitang in the US, there is only ONE grand master for MK! hehe...im working in offshore investments now Mas, going well so far, life in Indonesia is so much better. Anyway hope you are well.

Sallam Hangat



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« Reply #37 on: 31/01/2008 04:29 »
Wa'alaikum salaam, Irfan... sory for taking so long to respond to your post. I am in London at the moment, but I'm not staying long. So much to do, so little time. I don't fancy going to Jakarta, really. But insya'allah I will be back in Ngawi in March, for my harvest. I am a rice farmer now and it is a lot of work to change the methods back to natural, organic ways. Please come down when you have time. If you get to Solo or Yogya, insya'allah I can pick you up. Stay at my place for a week or so.. it is real desa.

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Ilmu Padi

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Selamat, is somebody in the house? May I come in?
« Reply #38 on: 31/01/2008 15:37 »
Hello everbody,

my username is "Ilmu Padi", which in Indonesian means "knowledge of the blade of rice". I always found this a very appealing starting point for personal conduct and philosophy.

I have been watching this forum now for a while and would like to join the circle. My relations to Pencak Silat are manifold, and I am a practitioner of Silek Tuo (Minangkabau). My sasaran is Pusako Minang in Amsterdam. I am living in Germany.

Pak EricB, Pak O'ong: Yes, it's me. The guy from Cologne. We know each other.


Ilmu Padi

Alam takambang jadi guru


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« Reply #39 on: 05/03/2008 16:36 »

It's nice to be here, in this forum. We can know about kind martial arts in the world.

I'm Denny from MAO SAKTI.

Let's we build relationship dan friendship from this forum.

putri teratai

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« Reply #40 on: 10/03/2008 20:53 »
Hello everyone x-))

My name is putri teratai and originally from west Java Indonesia. Nice to joint with you and discuss about silat.

Thanks you and best regards,
Pendekar Putri Teratai :)
percaya dan cintailah dirimu
(Kita ada di sini bukan untuk saling bersaing. Kita ada di sini untuk saling melengkapi. - Bill Mccartney)

orang asing

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« Reply #41 on: 20/03/2008 18:59 »
Hello all at sahabsilat,
My name is Luke aka 'orang asing'. I currently live in Melbourne, Australia. I have been a fan of pencak silat since studying bahasa indonesia at university a few years ago. Due to location and work commitments, my only involvement in this cool martial art has been via internet and tv.

I would love to learn pencak silat and would appreciate any advice on the subject. I am planning to go to Java (Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Mt Merapi and Semerang) in August or September for 3-4 weeks.

Hormat saya



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« Reply #42 on: 20/03/2008 20:54 »
Selamat Datang, Luke,

I would say that it alot to do in 3-4 weeks, you will be rushing. There is pencak silat in Melbourne though, I am sure!

Probably best to begin in the Padepokan Pencak Silat in TMII in Jakarta, and from there take teh advice of pesilat you meet there, as what would be best for your purpose would depend on what you want. There can't be much you can get from silat in 3-4 weeks except a taste.

Hormat kembali,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali


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« Reply #43 on: 20/03/2008 21:10 »
Hi Luke,
there is "Perisai Diri" in Melbourne. Please Contact Tommy Hija. Let him know that you've got this information from me. I know him very well.
Chandrasa Sedyaleksana

Perisai Diri Melbourne 
Instructor  Mas Tommy Hija 
Location  Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre
Aughtie Drive Albert Park
Time  Monday 5:30 - 7:00
Wednesday 6:.30-8:00
Thursday 6:30-8:00
Details  Contact: 0400 516 195


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« Reply #44 on: 16/07/2008 04:37 »
Salam everyone,

I am new to this forum.found after some extensive searching.this forum is great,has lots of information and looks like alot of very knowledgable people on here.excited to be on here.


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