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Author Topic: JAVA SUBMISSION CHAMPIONSHIP 2008  (Read 3448 times)


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« on: 22/05/2008 18:18 »

FYI, maaf masih dalam bahasa inggris, saya terima infonya begini, belum sempat menerjemahkan :)

The Indonesian Grappling Federation is extending a cordial invitation to all martial artists to the JAVA SUBMISSION CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 sponsored by DJARUM SUPER on July 26 at the Kridosono Sports Hall in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

The Championship will be a great opportunity for all students of the grappling arts in South-East Asia to come together to compete and exchange techniques in a friendly and competitive environment.  All styles of martial art are welcome to join this competition.  The competition rules have been designed to encourage fast action and submissions.  But also do not favor one style over another as points are awarded for positions and techniques from all of the aforementioned martial arts. 

Submission Grappling is the fastest growing martial art in the world and our mission is to promote and socialize submission grappling in Indonesia.  The sport is highly competitive with the athlete demonstrating his techniques, abilities, and physical and psychological condition, with the objective of rendering his opponent into submission without the use of punching, kicking or any form of striking action.  Valid moves are those which take an opponent to the ground, and neutralize, immobilize, and strangle him, or apply pressure on the large twisting joints.   

Ethical behavior is what gives this sport credibility and security, which are indispensable factors in any sport.  Through high standards of behavior, the sport has reached spectacular heights elsewhere in the world.  Therefore, because Submission Grappling will one day soon become part of the greatest sporting show on earth, the Olympics, we need to promote Submission Grappling now as a sport in Indonesia.

With these thoughts in mind, we hope that you will come and support the JAVA SUBMISSION CHAMPIONSHIP 2008 sponsored by DJARUM SUPER on July 26 at the Kridosono Sports Hall in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.  The fee is Rp.100,000 per competitor and free of charge for spectators.

If you have any questions please contact IGF at nikohan@gmail.com, or +62.856.1808804.



Lifetime Student of Martial Art


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« Reply #1 on: 22/07/2008 16:28 »
dibayarin gak mas tiket ke Jogja-nya.....
kalo dibayarin saya mau daftar nih.... (daftar nonton)


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