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Author Topic: Helio Gracie Meninggal Dunia  (Read 5055 times)


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Helio Gracie Meninggal Dunia
« on: 30/01/2009 09:43 »

Dunia beladiri, khususnya BJJ ataupun MMA telah ditinggalkan oleh salah seorang tokohnya, Prof. Helio Gracie, sang dedengkot Gracie Jujutsu.

Ini infonya:


Thursday, January 29, 2009 - by MMAWeekly.com Staff

Helio Gracie, legendary patriarch of the Gracie family and father of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, has passed away at the age of 95, according to a report by GracieMag.com.

Gracie passed in his sleep early Thursday in Itaipaiva, Rio de Janeiro, said another report on Sherdog.com, after he had been admitted to a local hospital a few days prior for stomach problems.

Gracie was recognized worldwide for his accomplishments in the sport of jiu-jitsu, as well as crossing over into other formats, while also serving as father to legends like Royce, Rickson, and Rorion Gracie, who helped found the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

A 10th degree red belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Helio was a national hero in Brazil. His family name has carried on for generations of some of the best grapplers in the entire world, with their style defining a sport.

Last October, Gracie celebrated his 95th birthday. He will be remembered throughout time as the man who helped build this generation of fighters and grapplers that compete worldwide.

Known for many matches throughout his life, Gracie took on fighters from numerous different disciplines to help promote the jiu-jitsu legacy. One fight that attracted thousands of fans and even the president of Brazil was a match pitting Helio against Japanese judoka Masahiko Kimura.

The two warriors battled it out and in the end it was Kimura who applied a shoulder and arm lock that actually broke the arm of Helio, although he refused to tap. From that point on the hold known as the "reverse ude-garami" was forever referred to as the "Kimura," a move still used in jiu-jitsu and mixed martial arts today.

In an interview with GracieMag.com, Gracie said about his death, "I’ve already told my sons that when I die I want there to be a party. No drinking, no debauchery.”

The world has one less legend today after the passing of Grandmaster Helio Gracie.


Master Helio Gracie has passed away
Jiu-Jitsu loses its icon

It is with great sadness that GRACIEMAG.com announces the passing of Grandmaster Helio Gracie. At 95 years of age, the great icon and one of those most responsible for Jiu-Jitsu’s success in Brazil and the world died this morning, at Beneficencia Portuguesa Hospital, in Petropolis, mountain region of Rio de Janeiro.

“I created a flag from the sport’s dignity. I oversee the name of my family with affection and nerves of blood,” said the Professor, as his last worlds.

The Master will be buried this Thursday afternoon, at 5 pm, at the Chapel of the Petropolis municipal cemetery.

Helio Gracie’s last public appearance occurred in December of last year, during a belt-promotion ceremony held by Gracie Humaita at the Guanabara Yacht Club.

In October, Helio Gracie celebrated his 95th birthday at the Gracie Humaita academy, in Rio de Janeiro. Click here to see how the party went.

In one of his most famous interviews, published in the special 100th issue of GRACIEMAG, the professor had declared: “I’ve already told my sons that when I die I want there to be a party. No drinking, no debauchery.”

All workers at Gracie Publishing, the company responsible for GRACIEMAG, NOCAUTE and GRACIEMAG.com are in mourning and express their condolences and sadness to the bereaved family, his wife Vera, sons Rorion, Relson, Rickson, Rolker, Royler, Royce, Rherica, Robin and Ricci.

We will be back with more information shortly.

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Re: Helio Gracie Meninggal Dunia
« Reply #1 on: 30/01/2009 10:22 »
Inna lillahi wa Inna ilaihi raji'uun

turut berduka cita.. semoga segala amalan dan pengabdiannya kepada masyarakat menjadi berkah dan di terima Yang Maha Kuasa

semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan, dan murid-murid BJJ juga selalu melestarikan ilmu-ilmu beliau dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, sehingga menjadi amalan tambahan bagi Pak Gracie yang sudah tidak bisa mebgumpulkan amalan di alam dunia

salam dukacita
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Re: Helio Gracie Meninggal Dunia
« Reply #2 on: 30/01/2009 11:03 »
Turut berduka cita atas mangkatnya El-Proffesor  :-[

Beliau akan selalu hidup di hati pemuda-pemuda yang menemukan kembali jati diri mereka melalui pertarungan dan pergumulan.
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Children always know that dragons are real...
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Re: Helio Gracie Meninggal Dunia
« Reply #3 on: 30/01/2009 12:00 »
turut berduka cita...
semangatnya telah menggugah menggetarkan dan memberi inspirasi luar biasa pada dunia..


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