Ada artikel menarik mengenai BJJ yang ditulis oleh salah seorang praktisi BJJ sendiri (Sabuk Hitam di Michigan USA). tsb merupakan summary dari buku "Mastering JiuJitsu" yang ditulis oleh Renzo Gracie dan John Danaher yang sudah habis tuntas dibaca. Dikatakan dengan jelas bahwa memang sepertinya BJJ tidak memasukkan filosofi dan pendidikan karakter di dalam kurikulumnya.
"As I mentioned before, much of the information in this post is from the book mentioned above. One thing not mentioned is that much of the philosophy and etiquette of Jiu-Jitsu was not carried on by the Gracies. I don’t know if Maeda never taught them, or if the Gracies just didn’t practice it, but there is a huge difference in attitude and behavior between the average Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and Japanese Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.
In the martial arts community, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners have one of the worst reputations for behavior. BJJ practitioners are considered more fighters than martial artists by other martial artists.
In the average martial arts school, there is an atmosphere of respect, humility. It may be there only on an etiquette level, and not in spirit, but there are some reminders of these higher qualities. In many BJJ schools, there are very few rules of etiquette or behavior.
Many BJJ practitioners goals are to enter the MMA cage, or to win tournaments. In most schools, there are not many checks and balances to ensure that the BJJ student has a good attitude."
Jadi memang sepertinya bermasalah pada pola pembentukan karakter pada praktisinya.
Pada website tsb juga mengatakan dengan jelas mengenai attitude para praktisi BJJ: kutip:
"The problem I have is that only part of the art of Jiu-Jitsu has been passed down. I don’t know if the original Japanese who taught the Gracies didn’t teach the philosophy, or there was a language barrier, or the Gracies took the philosophy out. All I know is that the philosophy is missing in many schools.
Having trained in Eastern and Western arts, I have experienced huge contrasts in training environments. I was a black belt in Kung Fu before I ever trained BJJ, and the school I trained in was traditional. You were to show respect to the teacher and other students, and there was an atmosphere of discipline and humility. There was physical etiquette- bowing on and off the mat, not talking while the teacher is talking, sitting in straight lines and not moving during the opening ceremony, etc…
So my first few months of training Jiu-Jitsu were often shocking!
I remember being in BJJ class and hearing students make fun of the Judo students who shared the dojo with us. I remember students cursing and making sex jokes in class. I remember one student had arranged a fight to happen in the dojo that night with a stand up fighter from Canada. Students nearly got in fights with eachother. They gossiped about eachother and the teacher. These are things that would never happen in the traditional dojos I had attended!"
Kalau melihat demikian, saya jadi merasa bangga dan beruntung bahwa beladiri timur, terutama silat, ternyata masih jauh lebih baik dari sisi penanaman filosofi dan begitu kaya dengan aspek luhur mengenai penanaman budi pekerti. Bahwa setiap gerakan, helaan nafas, tarikan nafas, penahanan nafas, buang nafas, semuanya ada aspek vertikal dalam bentuk penghambaan makhluk terhadap sang khalik. Menyadari benar pentingnya niat, melatih dengan rendah hati, pentingnya moralitas, menghargai, dsb. Aspek yang ditemukan pada setiap gerakan/keilmuan silat hampir sebagian besar selalu berlandaskan bentuk pengabdian secara vertikal untuk menolong sesama makhluk secara horizontal. Mohon maaf, tidak bermaksud untuk flaming, tetapi memang begitulah kenyataannya. Meski demikian, tidak semua praktisi BJJ seperti itu. Tetap ada yang baik dan bahkan sangat baik.
Silat memang punya bad apples, tetapi tidak mayoritas. Kalau suatu beladiri memiliki bad apples yang mayoritas maka dipastikan ada yang salah pada model transmisi keilmuannya.
Suatu beladiri yang dipelajari dan dimiliki, harus memiliki bentuk pertanggungjawaban kepada Tuhan YME. Mau kemampuan sundul langit sekalipun pada akhirnya akan tua dan mati. Pada saat itu tak ada yang bisa dibanggakan lagi kecuali amal kebaikan kita.