Forum > Pencak Silat General Forum
Announcement about participating in this part of our forum
Dear members,
I feel the need to post an announcement:
we see a lot of hot discussions in this part of our forum, that's OK as long as it is civilized
- we have the pro and contra PCP/Sanders threads
There are members only participating in these threads, but there is a lot more on this forum, open your mind for other and more positive things.
- statements that moderators are buyest and helping people to win or lose a discussion
I can assure you that we only maintaining this forum and trying to keep things fair, also we do it for free, simply because we love Pencak Silat
- requests for banning members (they are normally involved in the same discussion)
samples: ban Bram, ban Russian Silat, ban D, ban Ericb; the list goes on and on
- members with double identities, I ask my self why, is it easier to act behind a mask ?
For God's sake, this is Internet, almost everybody is using a "nickname"
- at last I want to point out some rules we have on this forum, these rules apply to everyone who is a member, you can read them by clicking >> here <<
What we want to do is helping people who have anything to do with the beautiful art of Pencak Silat, we offer them to see something more then just their own perguruan/organisation or club.
People with wide experience share their knowledge, we must be grateful to them.
Our main goal is to promote traditional Pencak Silat in and outside Indonesia, the richness of culture and social context in the Pencak Silat society.
I leave this topic open for reactions .............
Russian Silat:
Thank you for this Eric,
I believe that I can learn alot from this website, and I look forward to the time when I can stop wasting my time and everyone else's time responding to the same tired slander over and over again.
Every time I try to open my mind or contribute in a positive way, the spoilers come along.
Eric writes:
"What we want to do is helping people who have anything to do with the beautiful art of Pencak Silat, we offer them to see something more then just their own perguruan/organisation or club."
Russian Silat answers "Okay, I'm ready".
Russian Silat
Assalamualaikum Pak Eric
Before the clock in this forum turns over to the New Year 2008, I find a need to add some crucial comments and to encourage more participation made to this forum.
First please do pardon my earlier comments on the forum crews and moderators being bought. It is not my intention to initiate but inquisitiveness on my part. I’m not aware that my comments will always triggers and create impact. On my part, thank you to the forum crew for their genuine love of silat and contributing to its growth.
I’ve been following the forums over the past few weeks and I’m glad to see the civilized and matured conduct of the respective forum members. That itself is a very encouraging sign of being open and working towards being co-operative. I have to agree that we should adopt the concept of the rice plant and always be humble.
I have notified some members that one of my New Year resolutions is not to be a pest to some people (due to my inquisitiveness) and to stay passive in my involvement in the cyber world. I’m now focusing on my other commitments and will drop by from time to time i.e if I’m still welcome.
I hope that 2008 will bring peace to our silat community and people around the globe. I pray for my fellow Muslims to prosper, steadfast in keeping their faith and may Allah bless us with sustenance, good health and be free from catastrophe.
P.S – “Kalah untuk menang” Apa mungkin bisa dicapai???
Assalamualaikum Hana,
you're most welcome at our forum, I really don't understand why you have thoughts that you are not welcome at our forum ?
We see nothing what is worth deleting, if that was the case the message(s) would be already deleted or edited ;)
Your intention is very good, I hope you will be active on our forum and share your intention/experience and so on with us all.
The comment you are mentioning is something in the past, that is already solved ;)
Every comment should trigger something; if not it would be quiet and lonely at this forum :)
I'm also glad to see thing are more civilized and mature, that's good, and I sincerely hope everybody sees the positiveness in that.
Wassalam, Eric
Assalamualaikum Pak Eric
Thank you for the warm welcome and the clarification that you’ve send via email on the misconception. I will join in the forum if I have the luxury of time in the near future...Insya-Allah.… (Now busy with my other activities cum projects).
Btw, I noticed that you getting yourself involved in many discussions which is a very healthy sign indeed. Keep up the good work! Being a “wasit” is no joke yah..Tough job!!... :)p
P.S – Thank you Kang Administrator for your help with the problems I have in logging to this website. Sip!!... [top]
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