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Author Topic: BREATH and BREATHING  (Read 5700 times)


  • Anggota
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« on: 15/10/2011 07:12 »

we think that is the problem all of you, prove to the world in an easily understandable and very simple “universal language”. a humans are the best creatures on earth, needs a life and needs a breathe. humans have a breathing, so let us together keep everyone on earth to still be able to breath and remain LIFE, and giving life to another human being. let us together keep living life on earth..

the human body or human body language is the most universal language, because all humans have the same body structure, all human is breathing. and that's the universal language, our breath!!

every kids at around a world must given a different answer when they describe and saying something in a one word in they language, everyone is different in understanding the meaning, but when you asking about what kind of breath and breathing, then every kids must show it in the same language, breathing process..
and when every kids is breath and try to asked again about what is like and what the inhaled air to breathe, then they certainly can not give an answer. this is an universal language: I don’t know, I don’t understand, I can’t see it and I can’t show it to you, I DO NOT KNOW ..

yupp!! because the air doesn’t can be described by any language, but everyone understands what the meaning of the air itself, every kids is understood and call it in one word :  I DO NOT KNOW !!

while for other elements: earth, water, fire, every kids would have a different answer in picture form, view, great colors and place, everything is different according to experience. fertile soil land in the Himalayas must have different color and texture to the desert in Egypt, sea water in Madagascar water wave would have been different look and taste to still water in the rivers of Venice. Fire in the Greek Olympus is different magnitude with fire torches in Chichen Itza Mexico .. it’s essence is the same, but the picture is definitely different ..

but when they asked about the air picture, it must be the same answer: I DO NOT KNOW ..  this is the universal language .. something that we can not give the picture, but we can feel the effect for us all .. simple language and easy to understanding this point.
this is a sample the honesty of all kids at all around a world, when they asked about the breath and air, they must give an answer by pointing out something that is not visible, and say I DO NOT KNOW.

and what about you, adults? do you know what your breath? did you have a clear physical picture of the air? what kind of air when you breathe? and if you can answer it, surely the answer is very complicated scientific language, BUT its essence remains the same: something that is not visible..

and if you begin to understand that something which this doesn’t visible that makes you breathe and stay alive, then you will definitely appreciate the breath, appreciate your breath and the breath of other people, appreciate your life and other people, because the all is a same : all is breathing. and finally, you will definitely appreciate any life that exists on this earth .. lets breathing!!


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« Reply #1 on: 15/10/2011 07:16 »

two type dish menu :

FIRST, Standard Menu :
breathing - sense – complex system - perception – insigh

in this menu, breathing is not something special activities,  just slip by and go , so that the body was being lazy and stupid, have no clear parameters to the circumstances of they  own body. therefore this body requires a certain time that artificially conditioning to communicate with they body, for example, by martial art conditioning power, meditation, relaxzation, and.. spiritual rituals. but this all activities depends on the momentum and personal desires.

eventually this standard models become separated body between features (out-er) body with the content (in-er) body. this separation of the longer and more distant, more artificially and increasingly difficult to do (much of step) and continuously setbacks, unstable..

because it is artificially, then it becomes stratified, with an increasingly complex much level of difficulty (step A to Z), in a term from basic to grand master level (or everythings lookslike). there are have a differences in artificially levels. and unfortunately, the parameters to be ambiguous, not the health of the parameters, but, the oddly appraisal, and the higher the levels become increasingly erratic and as no longer human, artificially presented himself as if he were the resource persons a demigod or a saint, and superman!! and can not be imitated by others, only he's the only one in this world.

whereas, if the assessment based remains on the state health body, it means if he is the higher degree, then it should be more healthy himself. thants a simple reasons, healthy level, not of artificially strangeness features. to become a healthy human being, does not require a weird, oddly ot strangeness. to become more apparent of humanity, then he does not seem more weirdness, ordinary course appears normal feature, no visible, no one can see, but it could be proved at any time.


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« Reply #2 on: 15/10/2011 07:19 »
SECOND, a next manner :
breathing - intuition - cell signaling - somatosensory

breathing is something precious, automatic detection for the balance of body functions, the parameters are very clear, the body becomes intelligent. features (out-er) is always connected automatically with content (in-er) body, this is because we respect the process of breathing itself. connect automatically, rather than artificially conditioning, stay connected at any time were they breathe, does not require a specific artificial situation, every time is still breathing = automatically the body remains brightening. just a habit pattern of breathing, but it has tremendous potential energy, and at any time can be proven, does not require an artificially conditioning, it’s not visible activities, fast, precise and accurate, just breathe, because breathing is the moment of power and speed.

because its parameters have a clear, then there is no needed a difference in levels or degree, this all the master's level, because all of the them is breathes. parameter is health itself, the higher level is means ability to process his breath, then they will be more healthy feature. if the display problem that magic, even when breathing is already showing a miracle, simple and easy to prove. as you breathe, there will be no one who can play one finger of your hand.

this “table manner” theme are shortening time and conditioning, simple and easy, can be done by anyone, even children or kids can be, the lame or motionless body in bed can be, everything would be, while they still breathing.

 cell signaling is part of a complex system of communication That governs basic cellular activities and coordinates cell actions. The ability of cells to perceive and entered correctly respond to their microenvironment is the basis of development, tissue repair, and immunity, as well as normal tissue homeostasis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_signalling
a measurable parameters of detection, can be seen as the somatosensory systems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touch


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« Reply #3 on: 15/10/2011 07:23 »
at another side culinary

if you like to look with the appearance of "another world", then every time you breathe, thats automatically your chakra (or everything else called) will be ready, your crown still at your head. not just as if you have or as if you're having, but it’s really you can touch your crown at your head, these measurable and verifiable parameters to awesomeness energy, and can use it for anything you want to do, and certainly you will not have a problem with gravity , the weight of your body, because breathing is the moment you breaking away from gravity at any time, whenever and wherever you can do thats, do not bother to prepare artificially conditioning equipment.

irrespective of how your body, your body will become lighter as you crown that is what frees you from gravity, your speed will increase dramatically, you will no longer burdened by the weight of your body, and please you go wherever you want, your crown is an automatic device on your body, and it's not as if or as though you are crowned, but actually real and you will be able to touch the crown with your own hands.

and pulled again, when everyone has been good at talking about a very bright light and glare, millions of the picture when talking about the light, but sorry, everything is just there in the picture, everything was as it were, as if seeing the light alone, without a clear parameters that will light itself, just personal experience only, and only certain people, chosen people who can see it, but sorry, it's just word play, because, the light itself is the real thing, everyone can see it, and can be proved with his own eyes that it is light, not the picture just as if or as if the light only. even in bulk any one can see it, rather than personal experience or personal property, even small children can see it.

sorry if chef’s to serve its menu with a lot of laugh, because laughter will show you the power of truth, and everyone can prove it directly, without needing artificial contioning certain ritual equipment. everything is automated is yours, and you have, since you were born, not just born with muscles, bones, flesh only, but was born in full, has been brought and have it all, was born perfectly.

Surely the question arises in your mind, if absolutely everything can be done, should not the chef's own can do anything it wants? yes you are right, the problem is when the chef has been focusing of his will,did you will strongly deal with it? whether the effect will happen to the object of his will the cook? sorry, the chef didn’t know what will happen, because these are all matters that are about “something” which “not visible”. hence the chef’s to avoid focusing on his will, because it relates to others people, the chef was filled with pity on those who become its object. hence the great chef would like to be when in the kitchen and the object becomes the focus of the chef is just vegetables and beef black pepper seasoning, other people is a subject, that will enjoy the cuisine of the chef's concoction.

this conditions is similar to what was done a while doing hypnosis, he did not know what will happen to a hypnotized person, who must be a hypnotized person is no longer being herself, no longer a complete human figure, his mind had been made unconscious by others, and if would happen in case he dies in a state he was not a whole human being, how accountable the hypnotist to himself? because he has made people die in the human condition that is not intact. this is not about professional actions or not, but this is about personal ethical, his treatment to others people, his treatment to other people as the one of complete human beings, born in objec intact and back also in a state of complete human being. this is to avoid the cook, avoid role as a regulator of other people, because all people are complete human beings, and this is a difference between the cook and the hypnotist, hypnotic face to face, the chef doesn’t visible meet, via the “another world”.

and if in your pocket there's you have a nuclear weapon, do you feel yourself champ? of course not, because you just afraid to deal with anyone, because in your pocket is a nuclear, you fear the effect will happen to someone else, you will definitely avoid, you try to invisible, but you are not really  afraid, you just compassion toward others effect if you have to spend and use of nuclear from your pocket, you will be more laughter in your life, so that it stays in the pocket and not out for using to follow with your wishes. this is the real essence, shut up and just stood there, still invisible, this is the real self defense, be prepared for anything, not even busy thinking about moves dances to attack other people. and whatever it all, you need to stay healthy for everyone to be healthy too.


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« Reply #4 on: 15/10/2011 07:38 »
THE Dessert,

meditation (or everything else called) isn’t just meant to relax, because when you breathe, you will relax, relax this’s indeed the acceleration of the process. meditation isn’t just for health, but more than that, meditation is “another world”, and certainly there are selfish motives while doing meditation, what effect it has on others? whether the intention was common expectations or any personal expectations? what will happen with someone else? that should be a consideration when doing meditation. meditation is not just a style of display, but meditation is an effort to "impose" your will to the real world through to the portal of "another world", you must keep the integrity of your as a complete human being full, and you could die at any moment, and what happen if you to die while you are still within the portal? if you still remain intact? is it true you've landed at right portal? and if you die while still being in the way, you landed where? therefore, be careful ..
if only the style, you will only have fashion look of it, as if as if you’re a demigod or a saint illusion. That’s not the essence, fashion is just dispay feature, its essence content are : you invisible, you appear in the form of ordinary human appearance.

all styles of meditation is simply child's play, because breathing isn’t visible, the air is invisible, no need to shape the look and various styles ridiculous. and that surely must be able to prove the truth of the sufi words in front of everyone, sufis can definitely show that behind that isn’t actually seen it there, is something very powerfull. iron isn’t just words, but iron is the real happened, that's the humility of a sufi, personal healthy as a goal. this is the trully of the iron rule, your body's strongest defense, not ironic body! iron body, not irony body !!

sufi or martial masters is not only rich-empty words on paper, sufi or martial masters is a person who wore shabby clothes amid the market to avoid being seen in public, not in the midst of rough-clad men wearing tuxedo, it's silly acting, you will be clearly visible and easily recognizable. sufi or martial masters is humility, the primary are : INVISIBLE.. the invisible..

lets read, read and read again..

and this is just coincidence. these are just a simple table manner..


everything style (at a martial art or everything else) to learn and practicall breathing and conditioning to have a breathing power, that's means you will definitely appreciate the breath, appreciate your breath and the breath of other people, appreciate your life and other people, because the all is a same : all is breathing. and finally, you will definitely appreciate any life that exists on this earth .. that’s a essential of self defence..
lets take a breath!!

thank’s world, peace..



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