Salam silat everyone,
This is a continuation of the silat teacher's welfare thread. I think we need a lot of dosh, so I am starting a thread in which I am asking all to contibute a name which we believe can afford a billion or two rupiah for traditional silat. Here we go:
A. Donations of 1 billion Rupiah and more:
1. All the owners of the big kretek companies here.
2. Salim Group.
3. Cendana family.
4. All big jamu companies.
5. Multynational companies here like Freeport McMoran, Exxon...
6. Environmental destructors like Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper, Indah Kiat
7. BJ Habibie.
8. Fanny Habibie.
9. ........PLEASE ADD
B. Donations of 100 million rupiah and more:
1. All Governors and Bupati in Indonesia.
2. All Ministers and ex ministers here
3. .......
C. Donations of 10 million rupiah and more.
D. Donations of 1 million rupiah and more:
E. Donations of 100.000 rupiah and more:
and so on.
Salam hangat,
(kancilen gak isa turu, rek!)