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How old is too old to start Silat?

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Hammock Rider:
   I guess the title says it all. I'm 45 and in semi-decent shape. I've heard good things about a Silat teacher in my area(Chicago, Illinois) and I was thinking of checking out a class. But I've heard that Silat can be hard on the legs and the knees specifically. So i have to ask, is Silat a good art to start at my age?

The fact is the older you are the better Silat can be for you, if taught correctly. Most of my students are in their 30s, 40s and beyond. If you join a school for children and train with children, you are right, you are too old.

The fact is that Silat done right can benefit everyone. Look at the people in China. Practicing Tai Chi is a common way of dealing with stress. If you want to find out who you are, and what makes you tick, I think there is no way more challenging than training Silat.

Hi Hammock,
When in Jakarta, I met an old guy in Candradimuka dojo from Cingkrik Goning. I estimated his age was late 40 to late 50. (anyone who know who I meant are welcome to correct me).

And look at this guy. He is absolutely older than you. :)

Yes, some silat school can be hard on the thigh due to kuda-kuda (something like 'ma bu' or horse stance) but as far as I know, you won't be stand still in that posture in a long period of time (We are not guys from shaolin  ;D). Some silat school didn't even have that tiresome posture.

There are also some sudden move from standing position to ground position that you may concern. But you won't do that kind of moves in the first day (or you may even never do that depend on which school you learn Silat).

My advice is, give it  a try and know your limit. When you get tired or some of your muscle begin to strain, stop and don't continue training until it healed. Give your muscle rest one or two days. I did rest  that the first time I do 'jejingkrikan' (hopping in one foot) from Cingkrik.

Hi Hammock Rider,
Come on 45 is not that old :)
Can I ask what system of Silat the teacher is teaching in you're area ?
I think it depends on the Silat system and also the teacher's teaching method.
In some cases, the teacher will adjust the lessons to suit the students ability.
Even if the system utilizes alot of lower body movements and low stances, the teacher will usually build the lessons to help the student get to that stage.
Its a process like anything. Just be patient and practice regularly.

Hammock Rider:
Thanks for your replies everyone. I really appreciate them.

godam in response to your question here is what the school teaches:

Maempo Chicago teaches a curriculum culled from the finest West Javanese and Sudanese Indonesian arts, including Cimande, Tjikalong, Sera, Harimau, Petjut Kilat and KunTao Silat taught in a synergistic manner .

  This doesn't mean too much to me because I am unfamiliar with Silat and wikipedia can only take you so far. :)  The teacher's name is Sam Clark.

Thanks again. I think I will check out the school.


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