

30/12/2023 22:12 anaknaga: Mudik ke Forum ini.
Mampir dulu di penghujung 2023..
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Semoga Sadulur sekalian sehat semua di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. semoga olah raga dan rasa dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh kita. hampur 5 tahun tidak ada yang memberikan komen disini.
23/12/2019 08:32 anaknaga: Tidak bisa masuk thread. dah lama tidak nengok perkembangan forum ini.
salam perguruan dan padepokan silat seluruh nusantara.
02/07/2019 18:01 Putra Petir: Akhirnya masuk jua... wkwkwk
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Author Topic: I support ....  (Read 2294 times)

Rebo Paing

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I support ....
« on: 29/07/2007 07:13 »
Selamat pagi sahabat2 silat where-ever you may be.

  :)p I support religious tolerance.

  :o I support listening to other points of view, and maybe understanding that we may unwittingly (or otherwise) have hurt the feelings of others ... we should try to fix that.

  :-X I support that others may have a different point of view, and that each point of view should encourage the other to exist .... if one becomes exclusive to the other, communication does not exist any longer and only then do we recognise that we have separate ways.

   ??? All communication should begin with the premise of respect that the other is trying to do the best they are capable of under their current circumstance.

  :-[  I do not support the emotional baiting of others who are less knowledgable than myself for the sake of entertainment (nggoda-in).


N.B. anything to add?

« Last Edit: 29/07/2007 08:02 by Rebo Paing »


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Re: I support ....
« Reply #1 on: 29/07/2007 15:44 »
To be or not to be: that's the question ...... always


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Re: I support ....
« Reply #2 on: 29/07/2007 16:00 »
I support....

- There is only one religion, the religion of Love;
- There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity;
- There is only one language, the language of the Heart;
- There is only one God, He is Omnipresent

I support that there is "only one" Silat, the Royal Silat way that take you to the liberation.


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