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30/12/2023 22:12 anaknaga: Mudik ke Forum ini.
Mampir dulu di penghujung 2023..
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10/02/2021 10:29 anaknaga: Salam Silat..
Semoga Sadulur sekalian sehat semua di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. semoga olah raga dan rasa dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh kita. hampur 5 tahun tidak ada yang memberikan komen disini.
23/12/2019 08:32 anaknaga: Tidak bisa masuk thread. dah lama tidak nengok perkembangan forum ini.
salam perguruan dan padepokan silat seluruh nusantara.
02/07/2019 18:01 Putra Petir: Akhirnya masuk jua... wkwkwk
13/12/2016 10:49 Taufan: Yuk ke Festival Kampung Silat Jampang 17-18 Desember 2016!!!
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Author Topic: Q&A  (Read 26174 times)

Russian Silat

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« on: 13/12/2007 02:30 »
Greetings to all respected boardmembers,

I thank you all for your patience while we put to rest this controversy. You all have had to endure negative flaming on your website for long enough. My sincere hope is that we can move ahead to friendly dialogue with all.

I know that I have much to learn from you. Allow me to be your student by reciprocating my desire for positive communication.

The following Q&A is meant to be my personal statement regarding my art, and whatever mistakes it contains are mine alone, I beg forgiveness in advance.

Best Wishes,

Russian Silat

Pukulan Cimande Pusaka Q&A:

Q: Is PCP a traditional style of Cimande?

A: Yes, absolutely. In our style we have the complete original arts of Embah Kahir, the founder of the system.

Q: What are these arts, where did you get them, and with whose blessing?

A: These are the original Sera, Pamacan and Cimande jurus, along with Trumbu, and the original Crane Tarion of Embah Kahir. There are also kucang jurus, and many more things. These were given to us by Pendekar Mama Sukarmo of Tarik Kolot, who is the direct inheritor of these arts through Bapak Bagasol. We teach and train them with his blessing.

Q: Then why does PCP sometimes look different from other traditional Cimande styles?

A: Because our style is influenced by the art of Mas Jud, and Mas Jud combined Cimande with several other elements.

Q: What other elements?

A: According to the living relatives of Mas Jud, he studied traditional Cimande, then Cikalong, Silat Animal styles, and possibly other things as well. He called this mix “Cimande Combinasi”.

Q: How do you know PCP is connected to “Cimande Combinasi”?

A: Well, through several sources. Firstly, oral tradition from Master Willy Wetzel says that his art “Poekelan Tjiminde” comes from Mas Jud. Secondly, the living former students of Mas Jud recognize his movements and techniques in PCP. Third, the living relatives of Mas Jud teach Sera Depok and five animal jurus which contain the same techniques found in the lineage of Master Wetzel, and these relatives recognize us as part of their art.

Q: Are the Sera Depok and Five Animal jurus part of PCP too?

A: Yes, we have been blessed to have received them from the living relatives of Mas Jud, we teach and train them with their blessing.

Q: Wha Mas Jud techniques existed in your art before you received these jurus?

A: Master Willy Wetzel taught the techniques, but not in juru form. They first came down to us as movements and techniques that were not put together in the traditional way into jurus.

Q: Why do you use the word “Pusaka” in your name? Do you think you are the only source of traditional Cimande?

A: This art was given its name by the late Pendekar Suriyadi Jafri, because according to him it contains many old heirloom techniques. We are only one source of these techniques among several, and we wish to respect all traditional styles. We sincerely hope this name causes no offense, but we will continue to honor our ancestors in this art by using it.

Q: Who were Pendekar Sanders’ teachers?

A: Well, there was Guru John Malter, from whom we receive the Wetzel lineage of Poekelan Tjiminde (We changed the spelling to reflect modern Bahasa), then there were Pendekars Jafri, Sirait, Sartono, Mama Sukarmo, and the living relatives of Mas Jud. These are the main ones.

Q: Why does Mr. Sanders call himself “Pendekar”? Isn’t this disrespectful to the Pendekars living in Indonesia?

A: We certainly hope the title causes no offense. The title was not assumed, it was given, twice. First it was awarded by the organization Pendekar Banten in 1987, then again by Pendekar Mama. To not use it would be a sign of disrespect to those who gave it, and besides, Pendekar Sanders has been studying this art exclusively since 1972!

Q: Why are your instructors called “Gurus”? Isn’t this disrespectful to Gurus in Indonesia?

A: Again, we certainly wish to be respectful. Master Wetzel initiated the practice of calling teachers “Gurus”, and in our art it simply means “Teacher”. We sincerely hope that our use of this word does not diminish its value in other contexts.

Q: Is the Ilmu of Untung Surapati part of traditional Cimande?

A: No, it isn’t.

Q: Then why do you use it?

A: Our Master was introduced to Pendekar Sartono by his teachers in Java, and told that this was the most powerful lineage of Ilmu on the island. The Ilmu of Untung Surapati is compatible with any style of Silat. Pendekar Sartono himself adapted it to our animal styles, and encouraged us to blend it with everything we practice.

Q: So does PCP have traditional Cimande Ilmu?

A: Yes, certainly! We have Ilmu from the lineage of Embah Kahir through Pendekar Mama, we have Ilmu from the Wetzel lineage, and Ilmu Kontac through Mas Jud. Oh, and Ta Naga Dallam jurus!

Q: Is PCP an Islamic-centered art?

A: PCP has no specific religious affiliation, and is open to all people, regardless of their faith.

Q: Is it true that that these things can only be learned in PCP?

A: Well, not exactly… There are teachers in the US who still pass along the Poekelan Tjimindi of Master Wetzel. Pendekar Mama and his students train the same Embah Kahir arts that we do. The relatives of Mas Jud teach and train Sera Depok, and the five animal jurus. Pendekar Sartono still lives (may he live much longer!), so theoretically one might seek him out and learn. Pendekar Jafri has left a legacy of Langka Empat instructors. So yes, you can learn all of this elsewhere. But only in our Aliran will you find it all together in one place.

Q: Do you think people shouldn’t go to train with masters in Indonesia?

A: Absolutely not! We think as many people as possible should seek out Masters in Indonesia in order to support these arts in their homeland and keep them alive there. All practitioners should spend time in Indonesia to learn more about the cultural context of the art, and diversify their experience.

Our Master still goes to Indonesia to learn from native sources there, he has for many years now. We strongly support the roots of our art in their fatherland.

Q: Do you say that your art is better than arts in Indonesia?

A: No. We say that our art is a great art, able to stand with pride next to any great art. Is it sometimes better than what we see in Indonesia? To be perfectly honest, there are varying levels of quality in the Indonesian Aliran. Some are mediocre, some are exceptional. All of our experience has led us to the conclusion that our students and our style can stand with the best.

Q: Do you wish to offend Indonesians?

A: Absolutely not! We are extremely grateful to those good people from Indonesia who have shared their most precious legacy with us. We are forever in their debt! It saddens us tremendously that there has been any controversy at all.

Q: Where did Pendekar Sanders learn his Keris techniques? Isn’t the keris obsolete as a fighting weapon?

A: The Keris survives as a fighting weapon, but not everywhere- the techniques are rare. Our techniques come from Pendekar Jafri, who also taught us the clurit, Harimau, and many other things. Other Masters such as the late Pendekar Herman Suwanda also knew and taught Keris techniques.

Q: What about the Kucang? Isn’t it merely an Islamic talisman which is no longer used for fighting?

A: The kucang is an Islamic talisman, but it also pre-dates the arrival of Islam to Java. Originally the knife represented the shape of the island of Java, meant to represent political unity. Our kucang jurus come from Pendekar Mama, and other fighting techniques from Pendekar Jafri.

Q: Why do you no longer teach the 18 standing jurus?

A: There is a possibility that these jurus come from Mas Jud through the DeVries family, but we’re not 100% sure. This ambiguity, combined with other surrounding controversy, has led us to discontinue them as an active component of our curriculum. Besides, our students have plenty to learn as it is!

Q: Do you wish to have friendship with other styles?

A: Yes, absolutely, but this has been made difficult by a few individuals who have chosen to have a negative, close-minded attitude about us. In spite of this, we have trained together with several Silat luminaries, and maintain good relations with them. Hopefully this circle of good relations can grow larger.

Q: Do you like flame wars?

A: No, they are a great waste of time, and spread unwanted negative energy. We only wish to state the truth of who and what we are, and to not let negative comments against us exist unanswered in cyberspace. We would much rather have constructive dialogue.

Q: Do you have documentation of the things you claim here?

A: Yes, simply visit www.cimande.com and there will be full documentation.

« Last Edit: 13/12/2007 18:35 by Russian Silat »


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