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Author Topic: Q&A  (Read 27044 times)


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #30 on: 20/12/2007 18:56 »
Do the right thing in the right time at the right place in the right manner and you will be doing the right thing.

I still stand by my past comments about of your website, but yes I accept your explanations. However, I think that you will ever be bringing out those explanations to others who might come across you and question you again. I hope that I have explained enough for you to understand that.

As for PCP having a positive influence in Tarik Kolot, I have yet only heard it coming form you guys. I do hope it is there but I don't think it is. Maybe in the future things can be better.

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Russian Silat

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Re: Q&A
« Reply #31 on: 20/12/2007 19:07 »

And I think that your input on the content of the website should be taken into consideration.

I appreciate your openness, and my sincere hope is that our aliran has a positive influence on it's sources in Java, as well as in the lives of its western students and teachers.


Russian Silat


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #32 on: 20/12/2007 19:21 »
So, why don't you guys organize an international Cimande festival in Tarik Kolot village? This would be the most obvious thing, no?

I am sure you would find many Sahabat to help you on the ground here.

Michael could make the reconaissance next year and you could make the festival some time in 2009, 10 or 2011. Bring over 100 PCP players from America and Europe. That would change things, I am sure.

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Russian Silat

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Re: Q&A
« Reply #33 on: 20/12/2007 19:52 »
Interesting idea. Festival in Tarik Kolot, followed by a pilgrimage to the grave of Untung Surapati. I'll run it up the chain of command. I personally would love to be present for an event such as this, and it would be a well-deserved honor for Pendekars Mama and Sartono.


Russian silat


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #34 on: 20/12/2007 20:11 »
Interesting idea. Festival in Tarik Kolot, followed by a pilgrimage to the grave of Untung Surapati. ....

More importantly would be that it was followed by another Cimande festival, better organized, in three, or four years after the first one. After that make it then a tradition, like Burning Man ... just keep doing it. Then you will bring about human relationships that will bring positive change and understanding. Tarik Kolot farmers will stop using too many man made chemicals in their soil and water. Young Tarik Kolot pesilats will write the wikipedia entires for Tari Kolot. And other positive, empowering stuff like that will happen I promise you.

A one-off Festival, on the other hand, might as well be sponsored by Coca Cola and Bir Bintang Non Alkohol and Djarum kretek ciggarettes. Still it would be fun and would not add to any damage already happening there.

Selamat Eidul Adha Semuanya,

Semoga makin teguh beriman dan ikhlas berkorban ...


batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Michael Lee

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Re: Q&A
« Reply #35 on: 20/12/2007 22:18 »
This is an intriguing idea!  Ideas like this are what happen when like minded people come together brainstorming and feeding off of each other.  I recently started a PCP email chain for the expressed purpose of helping our system, and Jerry and I have gotten many ideas that we would not have had on our own.

An annual, or maybe more likely, Bi-annual American - Indonesian silat festival.  What about maybe one year in Tarik Kolot, the next in Bali, the next somewhere in Sumatra?  Or maybe just move around Java? Or maybe just stick to West Java?  What about after a few festivals we have one here in the United States?  I know we've kicked the idea around of having Pendekar Mama come here.  I'm sure that if it got going, there would be more than enough people involved to maybe help bring a few dozens Pendekars over here for a festival. 

Ideas ideas ideas....

Other forum members....what else can you guys think of? 

Warm regards,


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #36 on: 21/12/2007 06:52 »
Bagus! Bagus! [top]

You should determin what you want to do, a Cimande Festival or a PCP Festival. A Cimande Festival might be good to have bi-or-tri-anual in Tarik Kolot and in Banten, and bring together all the Cimande influenced perguruan all over the world, and that wouold be many people, a huge logistic effort but you would only have to be working hard in the getting here part of it.

A PCP Festival, maybe you would begin in Cilisung to identify your Mas Jut source and travel to Banten, Tarik Kolot, Kebumen (where you think there is an Untung Surapati grave which might actually be a petilasan) Riau (Silek Langkah Ampek), and end with a holiday in Bali hehehe... That would take a huge logistic effort too and in your recce you would need to meet and secure the help of silat elders in all thes places.

Both options would be good and would open doors to a better life for all. The two festivals would not mix well together. You must chose one, I think.

Salam hangat,

batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

optimus prime

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Re: Q&A
« Reply #37 on: 21/12/2007 07:49 »
Hi Bram

Back to the same old game, another day another thread. [top] [top]

Bram are you serious? I dont think so, you just pretending to be helpful, while at the same time trying to score points , man you really dont have much to do in life. How do you think an event like this could be held, when your own country couldn't do it! Maybe we all could stay at your place, or better still when you return to London we could do a PCP festival there.

I think other groups need to come in on this, why should PCP be sole group in the saviour of all Indonesian silat, if all the other groups got involve maybe we could bring 80000 people or more. Going by Bram we could with numbers like that maybe turn around the whole economy of Indonesia  [top]


« Last Edit: 21/12/2007 08:03 by optimus prime »


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #38 on: 21/12/2007 08:27 »
Hi Bram
Back to the same old game, another day another thread. [top] [top]
....How do you think an event like this could be held, when your own country couldn't do it! Maybe we all could stay at your place, or better still when you return to London we could do a PCP festival there.
Hi Optimus,
I know you're addressing the message to Bram. I just thought of letting you know that festivals like this have been held in Indonesia. Not too long ago they had a Festival Silat Betawi in Cibubur. In 2005, Indonesia also had a Festival Pencak Silat in the Cibubur national park where Silat styles from all over Indonesia gathered for a few days to do Demonstrations. I think the event was called The Pencak Silat Jamboree 2005 in Cibubur Jakarta


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #39 on: 21/12/2007 11:31 »

Michael Lee

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Re: Q&A
« Reply #40 on: 21/12/2007 12:51 »
Terima kasih Pendekar!


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #41 on: 22/12/2007 13:10 »
Cibubur .................... ;D

saya masih ingat Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat PPS Padjadjaran berapa tahun lalu,
juga disitu, dan Yanweka juga diuji sama saya  :D

Kasihan dia, masih muda, di gembleng sama bule  :w

Russian Silat

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Re: Q&A
« Reply #42 on: 22/12/2007 16:15 »
"i hope we can all get together and have a great experience training and sharing our cultures with all the insightful conrtibutors of this board."

-Russian Silat
« Last Edit: 22/12/2007 18:36 by Russian Silat »


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Re: Q&A
« Reply #43 on: 22/12/2007 17:00 »
I don't understand one word you writing here Fyodor :P
but I think you have the same with my writing in this thread ;)

*I translate*

Cibubur ....................  (a place in Jakarta)

I still remember an examination for higer degree from my Perguruan some years ago,
I was there, examining Yanweka (another member of this forum)

Petty him, still young, and kicked ass by a white giant

* end translation *

bang ben

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Re: Q&A
« Reply #44 on: 23/12/2007 17:59 »
 ;D I know Yanweka, kang Eric x-)) x-))


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