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Silat's forgotten things
santri kinasih:
1. Do you know that most of traditional silat styles are taught in 4 levels? Downloading, discussion and debate, dialogue and generative dialogue..
2. Do you know that a silat master is sometimes an NLP or a hypnosis expert as well?
3. Do you know that everybody can be pesilat without having to undergo a hard physical trainin
4. Do you know that in the philosophy of old silat styles, silat has never been meant to create a fight master?
5. Do you know that we can found silat's principles in every great leader or even CEOs?
--- Quote from: santri kinasih on 27/09/2009 22:42 ---2. Do you know that a silat master is sometimes an NLP or a hypnosis expert as well?
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Confirmed... I learned this the hard way :-X
--- Quote from: santri kinasih on 27/09/2009 22:42 ---3. Do you know that everybody can be pesilat without having to undergo a hard physical trainin
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More on this pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.......... :P :P :P :P :P
Mr Santri: what do you teach, I hope to learn everyday, you make me curious
tell us something more
santri kinasih:
Master Antara and Oom Eric,k there is one method in Betawi called Ngukir...Ngukir literally means sculpting.. In the old teaching of cingkrik Sinan, ngukir theoretically means practicing silat with your sub conscious mind...There is no 'drill' in mastering a just need to allocate the memory of such move in a particular place in your brain...
Confused? hope not..
In Silek Kumango, there are two teaching method of is called silek tagak (Stand up silat), while the other is called siled duduak..Silek tagak is silat that most of us know...A hard physical training...whilst silek duduak is simply a conversation between the master and the disciples...Silek duduak is not a just a conservation...we call a generative dialogue...a dialogue that brings the heart and mind of both to a certain situation...This dialogue is so powerful, and the disciples can learn some silat moves just by having this kind of conversation...
There are a lot of this method of which is one of Master Antara's brother in golok seliwa, Ely beeng.., who knocked out 2 armed robbers...The funny thing is, Ely spent only a little time in physical training..but he had a lot of dialogue with the master...Yet.., when things get hot, he just knows how to move with seliwa's principles...Funny but it's real
--- Quote from: santri kinasih ---
Master Antara and Oom Eric,k there is one method in Betawi called Ngukir...Ngukir literally means sculpting.. In the old teaching of cingkrik Sinan, ngukir theoretically means practicing silat with your sub conscious mind...There is no 'drill' in mastering a just need to allocate the memory of such move in a particular place in your brain...
Confused? hope not..
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Very interesting, Uda. What exactly are the disciples doing when performing ngukir? Is it some sort of imagineering?
--- Quote from: santri kinasih ---In Silek Kumango, there are two teaching method of is called silek tagak (Stand up silat), while the other is called siled duduak..Silek tagak is silat that most of us know...A hard physical training...whilst silek duduak is simply a conversation between the master and the disciples...Silek duduak is not a just a conservation...we call a generative dialogue...a dialogue that brings the heart and mind of both to a certain situation...This dialogue is so powerful, and the disciples can learn some silat moves just by having this kind of conversation...
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Again, most fascinating.
I imagine it would be similar with NLP, where dialogue is geared toward one's multi senses, emotion and perception. Or is it? I should sit and learn more...
--- Quote from: santri kinasih ---There are a lot of this method of which is one of Master Antara's brother in golok seliwa, Ely beeng.., who knocked out 2 armed robbers...The funny thing is, Ely spent only a little time in physical training..but he had a lot of dialogue with the master...Yet.., when things get hot, he just knows how to move with seliwa's principles...Funny but it's real
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I believe Bang Ely learned something other than Seliwa? A kanuragan style of martial art?
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