Pencak Silat in America is coming of age, faster than we can govern it.
For me, there are only two rules: Open hearts, and open minds.
Hello Bobbe, I am YANA, nice to see you, I was teaching Silat PD, Penca Silat Sunda, and Persilat over 10 years in New York City.
“Sanders, Wetzel, Ingram and the Detours have all made mistakes”. Not only them, but also a lot other club of martial arts from China, Korea, Japan, Filipina produces Silat or Pencak Silat (Benjang, Nampon, Cikaret Trumbu, Cimande, Gerak Gulung, Margaluyu, Panglipur, Gajah Putih, Sera, Madi, Kari, Syahbandar, Cikalong, Sanalika, Taji Malela, Pajajaran, Timbangan, Gagak Lumayung, Bandar Karima, Beksi, Cingkrik, Mande Muda and others). Those a life of library still exist and life forever we did not to hide to them, they are our teacher, our society and if we love and care, why American not do some by action to make relationship to them? To pay respect not only bow your body, we need to do actions my friends, let’s do open your eyes and see THE WORLD SILAT CHAMPIONSHIP, 20-25 October 2007 in Malaysia
Representing your any style Silat in the US, they should be make relationship as part of our Silat Culture, our agent is PERSILAT, we are part of them and we have to clean our wrong steps, words and actions in the fast.
All your club love to practice to share any style of pencak Silat or Silat or American Martial arts, again and again let’s go THE WORLD SILAT CHAMPIONSHIP, 20-25 October 2007 in Malaysia.