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Author Topic: Tanaga Dalam Training  (Read 9655 times)


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Tanaga Dalam Training
« on: 12/01/2008 08:27 »
Asslamu Alikum,
I will come to Indonesia in few months for 3 weeks(I am from Australia). I am looking for a private instructor for "Tanaga Dalam". I am a pesilat and I practiced number of other martial arts throughout my life. In addition, I had brief "Tanaga Dalam" training last year.
Please note: I am not interested in Training based on Un-Islamic basis or rituals.

Hope to hear from you soon so we can discuss the details privately.

Sabrang kidul

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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #1 on: 12/01/2008 11:01 »
Mas Murid,
If you don't mind me asking you some questions:

1. What do you define by 'Tenaga Dalam'. In the Indonesian forum there is a discusion on this topic and it is obvious that the term mean different thing to different people.

2. You mention something about not interested in things that are 'un-islamic'. Again, how would you define (obviously after we define no 1 above) whether it is 'Islamic' or 'Un-Islamic' ?

3. Wouldn't you think that 3 weeks is somewhat a short time to achieve that objective (whatever no1 and 2 is defined). There is Indonesian saying that goes along the line of 'whatever you quickly (or easily) gain, you will quickly (or easily) lost' . This seem to be true in most aspects of live.

Please do not get offended with my genuine questions above. I wish you all the best in your quest.

Salam from the southern land as well


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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #2 on: 12/01/2008 11:08 »
Hello murid,

first of all, welcome to our forum  [top]
you didn't introduce yourself, can you tell a view things about yourself, a brief introduction  :)

now to your question:
3 weeks to learn Tenaga Dalam  ::) seems a little short to me, even with a private teacher.
You say you are a "pesilat" so I like to ask you what silat (aliran or perguruan) did you or stil learn ?

The brief training you did last year, can you tell anything about it ? maybe it's possible to find something in extention to that training.

Wassalam, Eric


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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #3 on: 12/01/2008 11:41 »
1. What do you define by 'Tenaga Dalam'. In the Indonesian forum there is a discusion on this topic and it is obvious that the term mean different thing to different people.

Mas Murid, I think you should answer that question first,
and then the second question is what is your expectation by learning Tenaga Dalam
Lemes lebih menang dari keras.lembek lebih menang daripada koeat,antero doenia semoea taoe,tapi tida ada jang bisa djalanin  - Too Tik Ting Fatsal Ka LXXVIII Ajat 442


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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #4 on: 12/01/2008 12:33 »
Asslamu Alikum Brothers,
I will introduce my self first,
My name is Al, I live in Australia but I came originally from Egypt.
I practiced Wing-Chun kung fu and Shotokan Karate for 8 years then I have to stop martial arts for long time (12 years) you know university  career etc.
Tell last years when things start to settle then I got my self back in with Muay Thai.
Last July I was in Jakarta with my wife (she is Indonesian) and I was fortunate enough to have private training (3hours day X 2 weeks) on Tanaga Dalam (I wilt tell the Aliran in private corresponds in interested) and I have achieved some satisfying results. But for my next vacation the same instructor may be not be in Jakarta.
When I arrived back to Australia I knew a great guru to accepted me as student  and teaches my in private on a combination of  Sitembak , Cidepok , Cikaret and Bakti Negara.
While the family of my wife knew many gurus and schools but none of them speaks English.

Now for the questions:

1. What do you define by 'Tanaga Dalam'. In the Indonesian forum there is a discusion on this topic and it is obvious that the term mean different thing to different people

A: While there are many Academic deflations for "Tanaga Dalam" I would define the kind of the training I am looking for as: releasing the hidden potentials within one's self for Self defence applications.
I understand that there is another category called spiritual power. Generally speaking is utilizing the power or the assistance of eternal "entities", this will take us to the second question.

2. You mention something about not interested in things that are 'un-islamic'. Again, how would you define (obviously after we define no 1 above) whether it is 'Islamic' or 'Un-Islamic'?

In case of rituals any rituals containing seeking assistance from devils or Jinn. Any rituals including prayers or any kind of worshipping to any one but Allah.
Any rituals aim to summon "hantu" or spirits.
In case spiritual power:  "leaning on the assistance of External entities ( other than jinn)" to be frank I didn't see / do not know if this category really works. However, I believe that if it exists and it dose not include what was mentioned above. Then it should be fine.

3. Wouldn't you think that 3 weeks is somewhat a short time to achieve that objective (whatever no1 and 2 is defined). There is Indonesian saying that goes along the line of 'whatever you quickly (or easily) gain, you will quickly (or easily) lost' . This seem to be true in most aspects of live.

A: Well I did not say that I want to master Tanaga Dalam  in 3 weeks. I want to learn something that I can keep practicing on my own when I get back. I am looking for 3hours X 3 weeks training.

Hope that I have clarified There are more to say for interested individuals in private.


Sabrang kidul

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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #5 on: 13/01/2008 10:42 »
Asslamu Alikum Brothers,
Last July I was in Jakarta with my wife (she is Indonesian) and I was fortunate enough to have private training (3hours day X 2 weeks) on Tanaga Dalam (I wilt tell the Aliran in private corresponds in interested) and I have achieved some satisfying results. But for my next vacation the same instructor may be not be in Jakarta.

Alaikum salaam mas Murid aka Al.
From what little I know based on what you tell us, I'd say that the best, easiest and safest course for you will be to continue the training with the same instructor, and if he/she is not available then try to get someone from the same school or aliran.

In my limited knowledge, 'Tenaga dalam' whether obtained by breathing excercises, meditation let alone 'spiritual laku', ritual or talisman (jimat) is not something that you want to a mix and match on unless you really know what you are doing.

BTW, I'm still not too clear with your definition of 'releasing the hidden potentials within one's self for Self defence applications.'
Is by this you mean the ability to hit the enemy without touching or to stop an atack from hitting you ( ilmu kontak), to withstand a hit on your body (many karate or silat style train this based on breathing excercise), to be unharmed by a knife or bullet attack (ilmu kebal) or to be able to project your mental will so that no one even think of harming you...?

Be interested if you can tell us what kind of training did you do last time (meditation, breathing, mantra or dzikkir ) or if you don't mind, the name of the aliran.
Anyway, I do not mean to be probing on you....
Again all the best on your quest, mate.




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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #6 on: 13/01/2008 11:01 »
BTW, I'm still not too clear with your definition of 'releasing the hidden potentials within one's self for Self defence applications.'
Is by this you mean the ability to hit the enemy without touching or to stop an atack from hitting you ( ilmu kontak), to withstand a hit on your body (many karate or silat style train this based on breathing excercise), to be unharmed by a knife or bullet attack (ilmu kebal) or to be able to project your mental will so that no one even think of harming you...?

Be interested if you can tell us what kind of training did you do last time (meditation, breathing, mantra or dzikkir ) or if you don't mind, the name of the aliran.

Asslamu Alikum Brother,
All what you have mentioned are application for self defense,  but my training mainly concentrated  on withstanding a hit on my body using breathing exercise. I believe that this is the most basic form of Tanaga Dalam and some Okinawa Karate styles share this aspect with Pencak Silat.


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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #7 on: 13/01/2008 20:37 »
I knew a great guru to accepted me as student  and teaches my in private on a combination of  Sitembak , Cidepok , Cikaret and Bakti Negara.

Hallo Al,
It's a great pleasure to know that someone know the two Style of Penchak Silat Cidepok and Citembak.

I have study this two traditional Style that came from a Banjar of the city Sanur, in Bali.

This two Style come from Guru Wayan Rereh, and he learn this Art to Guru Ketut Gysir, that call his way of Silat Cidepok and to Guru Agung Aliit, that call his Silat Citembak.

Please ask your Teacher if he has studied with this teachers.

In my research I never found someone that knows this Styles.

Please let me know.

I have study a sistem of Tenaga Dalam, call Sri-Murni, (original rice), in the old time, the meaning of Sri-Murni was:

Suci (pure)
Rahasia (secret)
Illahi (divine)
Manusia (uman being)
Ujud (form)
Nur (light)

This System of Tenaga Dalam is teached from Guru Winda and Guru Lepug, and come from Banten from Guru Ki Puun Raksa Kusuma.

He was the first that promoted this art in all Indonesia.

Thank you very much for your attention,



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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #8 on: 14/01/2008 02:23 »
It's a great pleasure to know that someone know the two Style of Penchak Silat Cidepok and Citembak.

Hi Puggiotto and Ali,

Sorry to sidetrack the thread but perhaps you could give a brief overview of these styles? What do they emphasise, upright, low stance, groundfighting, striking etc.??

In fact as there are so many differing styles, it may be a good idea to start a thread where everyone can post a brief description of their style? What does everyone think? I may start a new thread :)


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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #9 on: 15/01/2008 10:04 »
Asslamu Alikum,
I will come to Indonesia in few months for 3 weeks(I am from Australia). I am looking for a private instructor for "Tanaga Dalam". I am a pesilat and I practiced number of other martial arts throughout my life. In addition, I had brief "Tanaga Dalam" training last year.
Please note: I am not interested in Training based on Un-Islamic basis or rituals.

Hope to hear from you soon so we can discuss the details privately.

Wa'alaikumsalam wr wb

maybe u would like to see hikmatul iman (http://www.hikmatul-iman.com)  or thifan pokhan (http://thifanpokhan.tripod.com), for hikmatul iman (the school that i'm join with) there is regular training at velodrome rawamangun jaktim every  friday 18.30 with guru utama



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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #10 on: 20/01/2008 07:17 »
Hi puggiotto ,
My Guru has learned  the style from Patu Dana (not sure of the spelling).


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Re: Tanaga Dalam Training
« Reply #11 on: 08/04/2008 18:21 »
Hi there Murid

Can I ask you where abouts in Australia you are, I also stay in Aussie, In Melbourne in fact, and am curious to know if you stayed here also.
If so would love to chat more.

cheers mate


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