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Mampir dulu di penghujung 2023..
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salam perguruan dan padepokan silat seluruh nusantara.
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Author Topic: BikeBaik  (Read 2936 times)


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« on: 06/04/2008 06:33 »
I hope I'm not breaking any 'advertising' rules here but would like to post this link.

Jeremy is a friend of my wife and myself, and although Canadian by birth is now an Indonesian citizen, having lived there for almost 30 years.

On the 1st of June this year he is setting off on an 18month bicycle oddysey across Indonesia. His website will be regularly updated with a travelogue and photographs of this epic feat of cycling.

I must add that Jeremy is not(as far as I'm aware) involved in silat. However, my hope is that his travels will provide an insight into the real Indonesia. His writing has a matter of factness, humanity, a wry sense of humour and a depth of knowledge rarely found in 'bule' literature.

I believe that his travels will inspire Western pesilat and portray a positive and balanced image of Indonesia.



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Re: BikeBaik
« Reply #1 on: 06/04/2008 17:45 »
Hi Martin, orang hilang, kemana saja kamu?

Lama tak jumpa, nice to see you again. Hope everything is going well for you and wife and bubs ... sounds like Jeremy is having great fun and with all that biking if he were to take up silat, he would have very strong legs to begin with.

I'll check out his website. Does it have a contact for him? Shouldn't he be working with some newspaper here? There have been asli Indonesians doing this before but I think there have not been too many Canadian-Indonesians that have done this.

Kapan ke Blitar?

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali


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Re: BikeBaik
« Reply #2 on: 06/04/2008 19:20 »
Hi Bram,

All is well, I've just been very busy with work and family, trying to save for our next pulang Jawa! Maybe later this year or early next year :'(

As for Jeremy's bicycle marathon...I thought it might be an opportunity for those Western pesilat who have never visited Indonesia to follow the journey and have a bit of a virtual experience (which is better than none at all!)

There is a contact email on his website. Concerning press and publicity; I'm not sure what level of exposure he is aiming for. He certainly has contacts in the media world having written for a number of national and local newspapers. I seem to remember that he worked for the Jakarta Post in it's earlier days, however I may be wrong.

I will find out in due course, but suspect the point of the project is to undertake the journey without too much media fanfare! I believe it will be more of a 'wong' on the street perspective that he is aiming for.




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Re: BikeBaik
« Reply #3 on: 07/04/2008 07:28 »
It was JP that I was thinking of - I think they would love to have a journal of him sepeda-ing through the country. Would be interesting to their readers too - as you said, a man on the mud-path's view.

Seems like most Westerners have joined the "MISSING PERSON" list here Martin. I wonder where they have all gone? I saw Ted Walls post something, using Indonesian words that I couldn't understand / work out what he meant. I saw Liam McDonald lurking a few times too. But where is Nick Sundawarrior, Michael and Moneef, EWS' Martin and everyone else?

Maybe I need to start a little campfire here so that people come in from the cold.  ;D

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali


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