As a martial arts enthusiast, you are undoubtedly familiar with the multitude of martial art forms and schools in Indonesia.
Amongst the numerous styles of Pencak Silat, perhaps the most fascination, effective and extremely dangerous style is the Harimau Minang style. This form of fighting is respected throughout Indonesia. A product of Minangkabau endeavour from the Painan area of Sumatra, the style resembles the antics of a tiger. Its technical fundamentals can be found to a greater or lesser degree in every other major orthodox Pencak Silat style but an important reason for differences between styles arises from the fact that uneven and slippery surfaces are most common in Sumatra where this style originates. Under these conditions, the Harimau Minang fighter considers an upright posture detrimental to effective fighting since it offers him only two bases of support, ie his legs.
He prefers to hug the ground, sometimes actually getting down on it, thus making effective use of five support - his two legs, his two hands and either his back, side or belly.
To assume that while in this recumbent posture the Harimau fighters is incapable of moving quickly and effectively would be to make a gross and dangerous mistake. From the low posture he can deliver very powerful kicks as well as make use of other cunnign tactics; further, he can spring quickly and forcefully up at the enemy with terrifying ferocity.
The Harimau Minang Silat exponent demostrates unusual ability with leg manouvres but is not a loss when the hands and arms must be brought into use. The combatants crouch close the ground and inch forward, with bodies tense and alert, until the come within effective range when they launch devastating attacks from the ground. An exponent of Harimau Minang Silat requires great strength and flexibility in the hips and legs, a feaure with which Minangkabau natives are liberally endowed.
Harimau Minang Silat training is one of the most difficult forms of martial arts training one can undergo but after long years of training and patience, the apprendice becomes not only a good fighter, but very humble.
And this is the Philosophy of our School.
In fact to the real exponent of this Art it is a way of life - it is sacred (Suchi). It is used during the life and death struggle to defend the family or one's credibility or to protect the weak and destroy something which harms the harmony of the general community.
Harimau Silat is not for "competisi" but is only for to "Kill". This style is hypnotic, with gracious stalking antics which forms the prelude to the eventual kill. The mentality is cunning, making sure that no move is wasted and zap the inevitable takes place, "The Kill".
The Style is cloted in mystic values - at a higher level it is interwined with devout spiritual beliefs and practices.
You must be very close to Nature to think, to live and to be Harimau, because Harimau is only a "state of mind".