

30/12/2023 22:12 anaknaga: Mudik ke Forum ini.
Mampir dulu di penghujung 2023..
07/11/2021 17:43 santri kinasih: Holaaaaas
10/02/2021 10:29 anaknaga: Salam Silat..
Semoga Sadulur sekalian sehat semua di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. semoga olah raga dan rasa dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh kita. hampur 5 tahun tidak ada yang memberikan komen disini.
23/12/2019 08:32 anaknaga: Tidak bisa masuk thread. dah lama tidak nengok perkembangan forum ini.
salam perguruan dan padepokan silat seluruh nusantara.
02/07/2019 18:01 Putra Petir: Akhirnya masuk jua... wkwkwk
13/12/2016 10:49 Taufan: Yuk ke Festival Kampung Silat Jampang 17-18 Desember 2016!!!
20/09/2016 16:45 Dolly Maylissa: kangen diskusi disini
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Author Topic: The Positive Side Of Pencak Silat in America  (Read 2553 times)


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    • The Association of Pencak Silat America
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Salam Everyone,

Despite all this negativity going on between certain U.S. based groups.  There are some very positive things happening with the AOPSA.  We just had two more Silat groups join.  First, Guru Robert McKay of Mande Muda (which I am sure most of you know the background there) teaches in Maryland his website is www.pecahan.com.  Second, Pelatih Wona Sumantri (fellow Indonesian) teaches out of the Indonesian Embassy in Washington D.C.  his system is known as Al-Azhar Pencak Silat and his website is www.al-azharsilat.org.  Both of these instructors, in my opinion, represent the real spirit of Pencak Silat and hold true to the cultural/artistic aspects as well as the self-defense.  If you see them around the forum please welcome them.

The Association of Pencak Silat America - "Promoting Brotherhood Within US Pencak Silat"

Russian Silat

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Re: The Positive Side Of Pencak Silat in America
« Reply #1 on: 12/12/2007 01:17 »
Nicholas, thank you for this information.

Please allow me to also add my good friend Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs to this list. He is extremely knowledgable in our art, and teaches many heirloom techniques. He's got two schools in South-East Michigan, one in Port Huron, another in the suburbs of Detroit.

His web address is www.cimande.net

He goes out of his way to maintain good relations with everyone, so if you go to visit him, I'm sure you'll recieve a warm and respectful welcome.


Russian Silat


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