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Author Topic: Some short video clips of myself sparring with a friend  (Read 3465 times)


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Here are a couple of short clips for comments.  They were done over a year ago, and my teacher has already said they are not so good, but I thought they might be interesting to some.  What I enjoy about them is that they show friendly sparring combined with real throwing without mats.  In that, they show a very traditional approach of friends getting together to have a good time to throw each other on the ground.  As you can see from the sometimes sloppy moves, it is not in any way choreographed or planned out. 

I thought this might be a good way to let people see my face as I am new to the forum.  Feel free to say terrible things.

(PS. I am the one without hair)




« Last Edit: 23/08/2007 00:47 by Josh »

Rebo Paing

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Rahayu Mas Josh,
I've only watched the first video (it's 4am and I've just finished work) and I'd like to say that I thnk you move very well! I'll look in more detail tomorrow (after some sleep!).



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Thank you, when I watch myself all I can see are the problems.


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Thank you, when I watch myself all I can see are the problems.
Hi Josh,
Are you studying Bangau Putih Silat ? The forms look really graceful.
I saw a few video clips Guru Besar Bangau Putih (Pak Gunawan Rahardja) doing friendly sparring with one of his senior desciple.
One of my family goes to see Pak Gunawan occassionaly at the PGB headquarter in Bogor for traditional medical treatment.
Now, the sparring shown is that to teach movements and sensitivity ?
Does Bangau Putih have sparring that uses the forms like Chinese Arts two man form sparring. I was wondering if Bangau Putih has something similar.


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Well we call it tiucu (tuishou, push hands), but it is certainly not taiji push hands.  It can be as hard or soft as you like, but it should be more a conversation then a contest.  My teacher has told me not to be sleepy when I do it, so maybe I am a bit too relaxed. 

As far as I know there are no jalan panjang (long movements) done as two person exercises, but all the jalan pendek (short movements) can be done that way.  There are also many two person exercises that practice the components of tuicu, but they are not set forms, rather they are more back and forth practice in simple movements like block and punch, or applications like ambilan (sweeping, throwing).

PS. Yes it is bangau putih.  Your relative is lucky to see the head of our school.  He has skills that go beyond my understanding.
« Last Edit: 23/08/2007 21:32 by Josh »


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Hello, Just an observation. It seems that you are neglecting kuda-kuda. It did not appear that you were using real positions. Your hands and feet were not working together. I am not an expert nor trying to be harsh, just asking with a comment.


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Here are a couple of short clips for comments.  They were done over a year ago, and my teacher has already said they are not so good, but I thought they might be interesting to some.  What I enjoy about them is that they show friendly sparring combined with real throwing without mats.  In that, they show a very traditional approach of friends getting together to have a good time to throw each other on the ground.  As you can see from the sometimes sloppy moves, it is not in any way choreographed or planned out. 

I thought this might be a good way to let people see my face as I am new to the forum.  Feel free to say terrible things.

(PS. I am the one without hair)





Salam Josh,

First terrible thing I would like to say is that here in Ngawi there is no connection fast ebough to watch films. But i watched your ambilan class vid earlier this year and you guys tended to be KAKU, stiff.... while ideally you should be relaxed but strong, not sleepy. More still meditation should remedy this if it is still a problem.

Second terrible thing I would like to say, is why have you lost your hair? Some of my friends lost hair when they studied monyet. did you study monyet to lose your hair and is it true if you study monyet you hair falls out?

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali


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Thank you, I certainly am a bit stiff at times.  I have the problem of either being too relaxed or too stiff when what I want is to be relaxed and powerful.  As you say meditation is the answer.

As for my hair, it is something I got from my mother's father.  At a family reunion recently we all talked about how the hair slipped of our heads and onto our chests ::)

The gray hair comes from my twins.

It is interesting how you say different styles have different physical and emotional effects.  I was sparring with someone a while ago who I don't like so much, but who I have to respect, and I was doing fine.  Then I switched to tiger style, and noticed that I was becoming angry in a way that I could not control, so I switched back to crane and became more relaxed again.  I think this is one of the secrets of silat.


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