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Mampir dulu di penghujung 2023..
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salam perguruan dan padepokan silat seluruh nusantara.
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Author Topic: Who "I" Am  (Read 2370 times)


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Who "I" Am
« on: 05/08/2007 06:14 »
This message is primarily for everyone in America and Europe.

I want to start off by apologizing to anyone I may have offended directly or indirectly.  The goal of the Association of Pencak Silat
America is to create a family among American Silat players and enthusiasts.  I have no hate for any Pencak Silat style.  What I
would like to see is for "every" style in America come together
and share their thoughts and to become friends.  Any post you
may read on this forum by me that seems like I am attacking
a particular style is simply in defense of my family/friends in Indonesia.  There are certain things in the US that have happened
in the past and even some that continue to happen to this day
that in my personal view I see as disrespectful.  I would like to
someday see these things resolved in a friendly and adult way.
The views I have are my own and may not be the same as anyone
i have trained with or am associated with.  The views I have were taught to me directly from my friends,teachers,family in West Java and also my teachers in the US and are generally common views of
Pencak Silat players "noble-mind and character" 

Some of these views are as follows:
-Always pay respect to your teachers and elders
-Always remember you are a family in Pencak Silat
-Always honor your teachers and family by your words and actions
-Always better to make friends than enemies     

These are the values I try my best to live by.  If I see and hear of things that go against these values it tends to upset me and I apologize for that but in the same token I will not back down from what I believe is right.  With Pencak Silat - comes these values, and if these values are not with Pencak Silat then it is not the real Pencak Silat.  Please reply with your thoughts and feelings about what I have written and anyone who wishes to speak to me in private please email me at nickp531@yahoo.com .

Thank You,

The Association of Pencak Silat America - "Promoting Brotherhood Within US Pencak Silat"


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Re: Who "I" Am
« Reply #1 on: 22/08/2007 21:58 »
No comment...but it's good idea.  :)

Nick, I think u must change your name....Niki Kosasih  ;D ;D ;D

because u have no Sunda's name  [lucu] [lucu]

best regard,

one (Cingkrik Goning...not palu gada) ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Who "I" Am
« Reply #2 on: 22/08/2007 22:20 »
Salaam One,

I think Mas Nick in his heart is Sunda!  8)



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Re: Who "I" Am
« Reply #3 on: 23/08/2007 00:06 »
Thank you Mas Ken.

Mas One,

You are right indeed but I can't use the name Nikki because that is the name of one of my ex-girlfriends ;D ;D  I would be honored to have a Sundanese name.
It's good to hear from you brother.  Please give Pak Bambang salam and hormat
for me.  I have no need to learn Silat palu gada from you anymore because unfortunately there is plenty of it around here  [lucu] [lucu]  Tell my Cikalong
brothers hello for me.  I will see you soon.


The Association of Pencak Silat America - "Promoting Brotherhood Within US Pencak Silat"


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