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Group Photo from Harimau Minang Seminar 2007 USA

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Salam Amirulhusnitekpi,

I have already asked the Tekpi and Mande Muda guys in Texas
(Guru Doc Dority,Guru Tim Stutesman,Guru Kelly Smith,etc..)
if they would help the Association and they have agreed.  I am
just waiting for them to send me some info and a picture of
there training group.  I agree, it would be great to bring all the
"legitimate" Silat in the US together for one big seminar.  I hope
in the future i can arrange something like that.


Ciao sundawarrior,
Thank you very much to have share the group photo from Harimau Minang Seminar with us.
The first time that I saw Guru De Bordes was a blessing to me  :)
I never saw something like this! His movements are great to watch, his principles, mentality and applications are simply perfect.
His way of working is very very hard and intense. He is a man with great experience and his students in U.K. are the message of his Silat: good and humble.
He is a real warrior!
What is your impressions about him?

Salam puggiotto,

I agree with you completely.  Maha Guru Richard is indeed a very humble and respectful figure in Pencak Silat.  It was an honor to train with someone of his
skill level.  His energy is just incredible.  It is good to have him in our family of Pencak Silat.


Kang Yana:
Assalamua'laikum and slam pencak silat to all,

hello Sunda Warrior / Kesatria Sunda Nicholas, I am Guru Yana agree with Guru Amirulhusnitekpi
"I would love to see all these styles come together in one super-seminar!!"
I hope become a reality the Pencak Silat super-seminar 2007.
What do you think?

Harimau / Macan / Maung

--- Quote from: amirulhusnitekpi on 26/07/2007 11:42 ---Assalamua'laikum and peace to all,

Cik Nicholas (somewhat like 'Mas', Malaysian style, also short form of 'Encik'),

Thanks for the info. I've just visited your website and it looks great!

The current styles affiliated are Baringin Sakti, Inti Ombak, Pertempuran and Perisai Diri right? Any thoughts on extending the list to include Silat Seni Gayong USA, Silat Merpati Putih, Silat Mande Muda, and of course Silat Kuntau Tekpi?

I would love to see all these styles come together in one super-seminar!!


--- End quote ---

Salam Guru Yana,

I agree with you 100%.  It would be great to see that happen, if not this year than maybe next.  I will see you soon.



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