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Author Topic: Merpati Putih in the U.S.  (Read 4952 times)


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Merpati Putih in the U.S.
« on: 26/08/2007 20:44 »
Salam Everyone,

I just sent an email out to the Merpati Putih group in Utah.  I think it would be
good to have them as part of the AOPSA.  They have trained in Indonesia several
times and I actually met one of the elders of Merpati Putih at IPSI.  I forget his name unfortunately - maybe you guys know him - he speaks very good English.
Very nice and humble man.  Anyways, If you guys have any thoughts,praises,etc.. about Merpati Putih please tell.

The Association of Pencak Silat America - "Promoting Brotherhood Within US Pencak Silat"


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Re: Merpati Putih in the U.S.
« Reply #1 on: 26/08/2007 22:05 »
Salam Everyone,

I just sent an email out to the Merpati Putih group in Utah.  I think it would be
good to have them as part of the AOPSA.  They have trained in Indonesia several
times and I actually met one of the elders of Merpati Putih at IPSI.  I forget his name unfortunately - maybe you guys know him - he speaks very good English.
Very nice and humble man.  Anyways, If you guys have any thoughts,praises,etc.. about Merpati Putih please tell.


Selamat Malam Nicholas,

I grew up in Yogya and have a lot of good things to say about Merpati Putih. If I were not already related to Bangau Putih it probably would be the silat that I would want to study (but then I might also want to do Cikalong - problem is I am not very talented and one system will take more than a life time for me to master). I used to spend a lot of time in Parang Kusuma beach in Yogya and often would watch MP latihan and doing exams there. They have a lot of amazing ilmu and many of my friends are MP people.

My understanding is that they are an original Central Jawanese kanuragan, and that in the beginning they were a tenaga dalam breathing family ilmu. The silat moves are a more recent development of the ilmu of MP. One thing that they do is train blind people to be able to 'see' with their skin, drive cars, motorbikes and other amazing stuff like that.

It would be great to have them posting here and they would be an asset to the organization you are building. Good luck with your networking and i wish you all success.

Salam hormat,

batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Gunung Dingin

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Re: Merpati Putih in the U.S.
« Reply #2 on: 01/09/2007 04:23 »
Hi Nicholas,

My name is Herman Winterberg and I'm from Merpati Putih in the Netherlands.
My teacher is pak Supriyono from the K.B.R.I. (Indonesian Embassy).

We've just started a website at www.merpatiputih.eu but it's still under construction (we really need to get it up ;)). Though I've not yet met any of the U.S. members from Merpati Putih, my teacher actually did this year during the Tradisi MP at Parang Kusumo. He also was quite impressed by their determination and love for MP.

I shall ask my fellow students to become member of this forum to so we could share experiences. At this moment, I think there are only two KOLAT's of MP in Europe (i.e. the Netherlands and France).

For your reading pleasure, Kompas has posted in interview with pak Supryono (Indonesian) http://www.kompas.co.id/kompas-cetak/0708/21/Sosok/3733814.htm

« Last Edit: 01/09/2007 04:25 by Gunung Dingin »
Kenapa kepala kamu kelapa?


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Re: Merpati Putih in the U.S.
« Reply #3 on: 01/09/2007 10:30 »
Salam Pak Herman,

It is great to have you on the forum.  Nice website [top]
I haven't heard anything from the M.P. group here in the
United States yet.  I will try to call them next week if I can
find their number.  I look forward to sharing experiences with
you and your students. 

The Association of Pencak Silat America - "Promoting Brotherhood Within US Pencak Silat"


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Re: Merpati Putih in the U.S.
« Reply #4 on: 27/09/2007 11:15 »
Salam Hangat for Pak Nicholas, Bram, Herman and all of you....

Glad to know about  MP Group in Utah / US. Pak Nicholas, I wonder if you could help me to provided the address or email or contact number for MP school / group in Utah / US. I've a lot of contact with MA practitioner in US, some of them very-very eager to learn Silat. The info about silat school / groups / guru silat in US will be greatly appreciate.

Pak Herman, very usefull and informative website :)  [top]

Pak Bram, salam kenal..

Terima Kasih


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Re: Merpati Putih in the U.S.
« Reply #5 on: 28/09/2007 07:03 »
Salam Noviar,

The contact info for the Merpati Putih group is on their webpage.
http://mp-usa.org/ You can visit my website at www.aopsa.com
and under styles you will see a list of very good Guru Silat with links
to their individual webpages.  Their are also other good styles that are
not on my webpage yet - but hopefully soon (Silat Seni Gayong,Tekpi,DeBordes Harimau,and Mande Muda to name a few) - just google them and you should
be able to find their info but if not I am more than willing to help you.

The Association of Pencak Silat America - "Promoting Brotherhood Within US Pencak Silat"


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