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Author Topic: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"  (Read 283702 times)


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #30 on: 16/07/2009 20:44 »
You mean to get cut too, Bang Ulil?

Well... I would advise not to, nothing extraordinary with cutting marks on your skin. They don't attract girls anymore these days  :w
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #31 on: 16/07/2009 20:47 »
on Kembang

As I wrote earlier, kembangs are jurus with golok, but to my surprise, they are taught empty handedly.

The first time I learn the first of the kembangs, called ‘langkah’, I didn’t know that it was a weapon-based jurus. I learned it empty handedly and can easily recognize its martial value that way. I know that one could learn weapon movements empty handedly, imagining that he or she is holding weapon on hand. However, it is still weapon training with no martial value when done empty handedly. With kembang it is completely different case. Kembangs are more like an empty handed juruses, which are complete and sufficient as they are, yet –if you wish- you could put golok into play.

Bang Husin watches my movement closely when I do langkah, somehow he is more prudent compared to when I was still doing pu’uns. When he feel satisfied with my ‘langkah’, he taught me the second kembang, called ‘patah’, still empty handed.

It took me three weeks with ‘patah’ until Bang Husin showed me how to do ‘langkah’ and ‘patah’ with golok. I laughed and shook my head in amazement. There is not much to change, only some details with my wrist, and the golok blend smoothly with the movements.
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #32 on: 16/07/2009 20:52 »
After several weeks, I started to feel comfortable with my ‘langkah’ and ‘patah’, however, Bang Husin then showed me how to do the two kembangs differently. Doing the same movements, Bang Husin barely moves from the place he stands, even that his feet doing all the footwork as exactly dictated by the jurus. The golok moves faster and flows smoothly from one movement to another without pause as we usually do in normal pace, hence covering Bang Husin’s body with its shade.

Uh oh, there is another level to reach... :-X

I’ve been trying to imitate Bang Husin’s performance for the last three weeks... and it deteriorates all my previous accomplishment. Apparently I need to strengthen my langkah and patah even more before I can push them to next level...

Process... love it... or it will leave you behind. ;D
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #33 on: 19/07/2009 00:00 »
There have been some changes in teaching method of golok seliwa..Contemporary method aims to restructure or to recreate a new "habit" to one's muscular activities..then we provide the philosophy behind each movement...
In the old days was the other way around, the philosophy came first, then the movement..That is the reason why one of beloved friends has had his brain crashed..

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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #34 on: 27/09/2009 22:18 »
I guess the next post from antara will be: my days with golok seliwa are being postponed until further notice..:)


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #35 on: 28/09/2009 17:50 »

Ngelesdotcom ;D
It's been said that in path of mastery, one will experience improvement for sometime, then a little regress, followed by long plateu... only the diligent will manage to overcome the plateu by constant training, which he will arrive in another stage of improvement, regress and plateu again at next level.

Well... I just being diligent with my plateu... ngeleeeessss... :P

But truly, I've been practicing pu'un for sometime after I had to leave golok due to wrist injury... and found that the fourth pu'un is exactly the same with second jurus in Cingkrik Goning. The movement is different of course, but the principal is the same.

Isn't it interesting how you find new perspective within your old stuff by expanding your horizon? No wonder Bang Husin was told to learn other style before returning to Seliwa.

... until further notice then... pembantu and mertua are still mudik... :o me is playing good house-husband  :-[
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #36 on: 28/09/2009 21:49 »
Oh… maybe worth written here…

As some of you might have noticed, I joined combative seminar held by SDI about a month a go. It was Krav Maga based training, hence focused on survival in realistic situation.

One important point taken, only gross motor skill works under stressful condition (there are table of heart beat range, but I prefer to take the message the easy way, the faster the heart beats, the clumsier you are). We all know that already, yes, but the drills were excellent to simulate the stressful combat condition (and tiring too :-X).

Working with my pu’un afterward, I realized that those juruses are aligned with battle stress principle I learned in the Seminar.

  • There is no movement that involves more than two body parts together in Pu'un (it is said that movement that involves three or more body parts is too much for brain under stress). Leave multi tasking to Windows or Linux :-P
  • There is no fine motor skill, only hit, hit, hit… well, yes, there is chin-na like finger and joint manipulation in Seliwa, but unlike its aikido or tai-chi counterpart, Seliwa’s version is brutally simple… it is something like ‘catch on your way to hit, if you miss the catch, you still score the hit’ (I got my finger pinned and my nose struck at the same time, and Bang Husin did it with the same arm) :o
  • ... and we do the jurus while in very high heart rate. You are required to hold your breath in such a way while doing the jurus, similar to those of tenaga dalam people. I am still losing movement control doing Pu’un with proper (not) breathing technique. Long way to go indeed. Sadarumurdotcom :'(

Apparently this Seliwa was created and furnished by people who’ve been there.

Ouch… my wrist hurt even while typing >:(. Need to find ergonomic keyboard.
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #37 on: 30/09/2009 09:34 »
Just want to share mine... I guess and understand that uda Antara is a humble and generous person, no need to ask for formal permission prior to this....  :-P

mental block,

Initially there's no difficulty for me and my other Seliwa peers on transferring the techniques to real golok. Same grip, same movement, same techniques with only one nasty addition :the sharp blade! as keen as razor  :'(. Days went  without any incidents noted, until one day... I experienced myself. During the jurus practice using the golok in formation with other seliwa disciples, my peer hold the forward move instantly right before my eyes. My legs could accomodate such change but my grip did not! Here it goes, the golok slide down nicely between my thumb and index, left a small wound on it.... bang Husin found a banana stem arround and wrap the wound with it. Well... I guess there won't be any prescriptions similar to it but amazingly it worked!

The second incident when my other seliwa fellow had experienced the major cut during his home exercise and had to be treated to hospital for operation.

These hit my confidence hard! I took off my golok and lock em' up in my box. I still play the technique with a dummy. Although the the same contenment obtained, the aura was never be the same. I have enlighted when having a value discussion with my Seliwa colleagues, I regained my confidence back! In seliwa, which ornamented with bladed weapons, an edged weapon unavoidably played!

Someday, sometime everybody who learn the edged weaponry should hold the real bladed weapon. We just need to add more respect on its sharpness and how to manage the safety during exercise and train smart - hard altogether.

"Gerak tak lebih cepat dari pikiran, hati tahu lebih dulu."


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #38 on: 30/09/2009 14:30 »
I am expecting such valuable input from everybody who’s been there. Thank you KaMas MJ. As I mentioned earlier, though the title is about “my days”, but I am expecting contribution from anybody.

I forced myself to use real life golok two months a go (until I hurt my wrist about a month later) and yes, the mental block is real and I still cannot overcome it. I tried affirmation and some NLP tricks, but apparently it is not easy. Conquering fear of ghost is easier than this... maybe because those ghosts are actually afraid of me. :-P

Now I wear leather gloves and forearm protector when practicing with real golok, but my confidence simply dropped anytime I practice with protectors off.

Now I can appreciate that in my aikido days we were asked to bow to our practice sword before take it off the rack, or some people put their golok on their forehead (or even kiss it) before putting it on their waist.
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #39 on: 30/09/2009 18:42 »
Oh!! it's exciting n realy nice thread, looks like the Martial Arts journal, so many things can be learned from Kang Antara steps to find lots of new things and knowledge, the other is to lead the reader to see the development of the Martial Arts journey from the begining to the next hi level, hopefully this thread could be always continue, I'll really like to see more....  [top]



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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #40 on: 30/09/2009 22:22 »
Honored Masters,

I've been following this thread for some time and Imust say that I fully understand and empathize with Master Antara on the matter of "live" blade training.
If I may be so bold as to share my own "live" blade training experiences, perchance some benefit may come of it.
Some years ago, I trained in the Togakure-Ryu style of Ninjutsu. Specifically in the Jutsu forms of its bladed weapons. My personal favourites are the Katana, Ninja-To and Tanto. From the onset of training, my master insisted on using "live" blades; and that is where the root of all sorrow -or rather- cuts, began.
There were eight of us in my group and since one had to use the thumb and index finger to "feel" the blade when drawing and sheathing, cuts on these digits were inevitable.
All seven in the group suffered numerous cuts, with some even requiring stiches. Our master insisted that this was a necessary phase in the development of respect for the blade.
I was the exception. No cuts, no sutures, no injuries.
This is how I did it:

I cheated.

You see, I've always believed in the philosophy of the late great Raden Panji Dirdjoatmodjo, founder of Perisai Diri.
In 1974, he told me that he developed Perisai Diri so that the multitude can study martial arts safely without injuries.
So his system is based on the premise that one can study martial arts safely always.

So, I stuck a little strip of clear cellophane on the edge of my Katana and Nin-To so that I can feel the blade as it was drawn or sheathed without cutting myself. I chose clear cellophane so that my master would not notice, or else the punishment would have been severe indeed.
By the time I had to take the examination for the instructor level, I was skilled enough to draw and sheathe my blade blindfolded...all the while still cheating.
After about two years of training, I was confident enough to take the cellophane off and practised "live".
To this day (knock on wood), my thumb and index finger are still unscathed.

Currently, my son is studying golok with Kang Awang of GGBD.
Kang Awang also insists on practising "live". Fortunately, he is also very open to new ideas and accepts the concept of "latihan tanpa cedera".
So, my son sticks clear cellophane on the edge of his golok during practise too.

Master Antara, the moral of this story is: Don't be afraid to "cheat" a bit.
By sticking clear cellophane on your golok's edge, you will still maintain the balance, weight and feel of a "live" golok; without the danger.
And you can continue practising to build your confidence to the day when you will finally be truly comfortable wth your "live" golok - without injuring yourself in the process.

Many thanks for allowing me to put my two cent's worth.

Tabik, O Honored Masters. 


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #41 on: 01/10/2009 09:29 »
Cellophane tape!!! Exactly the same with the one we have already adopted!!
Such idea brought by my fellow who have his brain crashed thinking of live blade. Thank God we don't have to cheat to use it as bridging point to mastering the real blade, Bang Husin.. of course with his unique grimming line, gave the permission to do so.

Using such method allow us to swing, shake, chop the real blade without worrying the cut. The more we practice, the bigger confidence gained, and the time will tell us when we have to peel out such little friend who help much. Not all the inferior-looked things could be valued as it seemed. But again.... when the cellophane had been peelled out we are facing the live blade that could hurt. It is .. again the test of  how your exercise bubbling your mental preparedness on using the sharp weapon. Normally, it will feel much more comfortable by holding the same weight, same handle, same everything, yup... we are using the same golok not even change it! The fear grows slowly when we perform the particular technique in the real speed, knowing that when it slipped, a serious injuries awaiting ahead. You just have to deal with this, if you have been accompanied by your sticky friend (cellophane tape :) ) we have to believe with the result of training and then...... dadaaaa....

Thank to master kalamangga.. (but don't call me master, even "mister" is too bold for me :) ) who brings this idea up. It is a reminder for us to practice safely.

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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #42 on: 01/10/2009 15:56 »
Thank you, KangMas Kalamangga, exactly what I expect from this thread. Sharing. Please don’t be discouraged knowing that we have applied your idea for sometime, anyway, it is the spirit of friendship and sharing that bond us together as brothers and sisters in martial art [top]. As mentioned by KangMas MJ, it is a good reminder. I do appreciate your valuable input and looking forward for your contribution in the future. :)

Just yet, please don’t call me master, I am but a troubadour singing other people’s bold deeds but too afraid to take part in it myself. A weekend warrior, they call me. I even sprained my wrist carrying my newborn baby, imagine that. :'(

I’ve been practicing with real-iron-but-false-edged-golok for sometime, which size and weight is approximately similar to my personal golok (oh, in Seliwa golok is personalized with forearm length, so every student has his/her own sized golok) and have reached some degree of comfort slashing it around. But I can’t help getting nervous when Bang Husin finally gave me a real one, made to my size. Some people call it master’s trust and other called it master’s curse ... I get mixed somewhere in between :-\. I should be able to use it because other than its sharp edge everything else is similar with my old practice golok, but I just couldn’t. Silat is so dynamic with its live hand that sometime it move so close with the golok hand... different with the two handed katana I used to practice in Aikido.

One solid proof that the first thing to be afraid of is our own fear.

I once have a friend offered me temporary ‘ilmu kebal’ so I can practice safely. Well, other than that I am not comfortable with such ‘ilmu’, he completely missed the point. Avoiding injury is an important part of our practice, yes, but getting comfortable with life blade while knowing that it can hurt you, is part of the ultimate goal.

It is interesting how martial art practice has similarity with our life. Sometime you embark into new journey (school, career, marriage, second marr... err.. I mean career change, children, etc.) which create anxiety and you need to gather all your strength and courage to face them.
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #43 on: 01/10/2009 17:39 »

ilmu kebal is not necessarily magic or black magic...You may find this logically acceptable..But to practice it you may have to reprogram your brain and reassemble your elements of fear...:))....

Here's something to remember me by:

Human has 3 general type of fears:

1) fear of rejection:
2) fear of failure:
3) fear of death..

Fear is generated through your knowledge and common sense...Your knowledge and sense are developed through experiences and learnings from various means (teachers, books, media, etc) ....Things that you may not have experienced or taught would not be acceptable by your mind...Thus, these would induce fears...
When a samurai encounters a new enemy, the first thing the must do is to die...Dying means letting go all the things that he has gained, fighting skils, power, wealth, and, most of all, all of his knowledge...Then, he can embrace new things that may come from such encounter..Then, he and the new things would collapse as one...then..he just know things that make sense and things that are impossible...(musashi)


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #44 on: 01/10/2009 20:00 »
Good advise Uda SK, thank you.

I am not against ‘ilmu kebal’, even if it is magic. I was very fond of magic in my younger days (not that I am old, mind you :o) that I learnt Yoga, Wicca and Kahuna before I ever heard about tenaga dalam. God knows how I could be exposed to those practices. I am not against ‘ilmu kebal’ at all, it is just I don’t want to learn anything that discount the value and fun of practicing blade with all its risk.

Fear is fun, isn’t it? :-P

The samurai mind-set you mentioned, “Mu” in Japanese, is indeed an ultimate goal of a student of martial art. That’s the turn point where martial art become spiritual practice. Of course we also must consider the background of such thought.

In general, warriors were people that forged civilizations in its earliest stage. Warriors were people who willing to sacrifice their life for higher achievement (either true or indoctrinated, rational or absurd) and welfare of others, hence providing building blocks for society to grow.

Samurai is no exception. Samurai life is heavily influenced by Shinto-Buddhism-Zen philosophy where the sword is not just a tool, but way of life. That serving a master is a path toward perfection, and achieving enlightenment is the ultimate goal even if it means producing nice cut on the other samurai’s neck. As you may aware, religious belief forbade a Samurai to work beyond call of sword. They’d better wandering as beggar-like master-less samurai instead of taking decent job such as farmer or trader. Without such fanatic thought, there won’t be any concept of such immovable mind against dead as you mentioned.

Remind me of heaven-promised jihad for moslem. ;D

In nutshell, such achievement needs deep contemplation about value of life. A long and worthy road to be taken by martial artist (or anybody for that matter).

As for me, I also believe in practicing for fun, not much a warrior to be proud of  :'(.

Still, very good insight there Uda, thank you for sharing.
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