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Author Topic: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"  (Read 281633 times)

santri kinasih

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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #45 on: 01/10/2009 23:15 »
@ Antara...

Silat is universal...it was developed through the interaction between mankind and the universe...I guess religions must also be universal...But let's leave religions behind us...
Faith is not created by one's religion.., one's religion is created by his faith..
So is silat...you must believe..Such belief may be achieved through a series of equation (the math of faith and belief)..If you believe, than nothing else matters...

May Lee

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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #46 on: 02/10/2009 16:18 »
Dear All,

Just wanna ask a permission to sit in the corner and write down a very valuable lesson in my school book..


May Lee


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #47 on: 02/10/2009 20:34 »
I am definitely not the right person to talk about religion :-P. It is just I happened to read a book about samurai’s ‘Mu’ (or the complete term ‘Mushin No Shin – state of no mind) and their other life and death concepts. According to the book, those concepts are heavily derived from religion, or at least in case of Musashi, he learnt it from the famous Buddhist Monk Takuan Soho.

Talking about the same concept out of religion term, we may find the word ‘Oceanic feeling’ by Sigmund Freud or ‘Flow’ by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi'.

Such feeling is now deeply researched in psychology, especially psychology of sport and learning.

I had several experience of such ‘flow state’ several time, and all related to near missed traffic accident. The one I remember the most is when I was riding motorbike in my younger days exploring Lombok country side. I was caught in heavy rain while descending down from Mount Rinjani... the rain was so heavy that the road was too slippery for my brake to work...

It was supposed to be frightening experience.... but somehow I found myself ‘clicking’ into certain mind-state where everything is immaterial. I descended the almost 40 degree sloped road down with high speed, but somehow I found myself able to manouver the bike all the way down safely. It was fifteen minutes of almost out-of-body experience. There was no fear or any other thought, simply sort of oneness with my surrounding. Even joy. Everything looked like slow motion.

Now that I looked back, the closest feeling of such experience that I can remember is when I train my juruses. I suspect that such almost meditative state I experienced in Rinjani was derived from my martial art training with all its psychological aspect.

So when people ask, ‘why bother practicing martial art that you never intend to use?’ my answer would be ‘I used it and it worked well’

... it should work even better practicing with life blade. :-X
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Children always know that dragons are real...
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #48 on: 02/10/2009 20:35 »
Dear All,

Just wanna ask a permission to sit in the corner and write down a very valuable lesson in my school book..


May Lee

Hallo there Bang May Lee... I hope everything is well for you and your family after the quake?
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Children always know that dragons are real...
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santri kinasih

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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #49 on: 02/10/2009 22:15 »
May lee...another long lost soul of seliwa...:)...
May lee once told me...the essence of martial art is to connect your soul and your body as if they were to love birds that each of which has wings, yet both of them have decided not to fly.....nor to be separated...

My dear May Lee...I summon thee....I summon thy spirit....I beckon thy wisdom...The wisdom you once inspired Caessar:" Cowards died many times before their deaths, valiant never taste it but once"...

Ooo May Lee, My dear May Lee, Let thy wisdom to be heard...Let thy soul to be seen...Once thou emerge, I wish I would be the one who says:" Behold!! Here comes May Lee..."


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #50 on: 03/10/2009 08:24 »
... eeuwww... the smoke ... ugh... ugh.... can you use less sulfur anytime you appear yourself in this mortal world Bang MayLee... ? :o

... can I have my three wishes now?  :P (ngarep)
Fairy tales don't tell children that dragons are real...
Children always know that dragons are real...
Fairy tales only tell that dragons can be slain...


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #51 on: 04/10/2009 20:19 »
This thread is so inspiring and bring tonnage of thoughtful. All of you are masters...true masters..and jokers.  x-))

Let me bow my head under my shoulder.  [top].

Air Setitik Menjadi Lautan, Tanah Sekepal Menjadi Gunung, Sampah Segunung di laut Menjadi Banjir....


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #52 on: 04/10/2009 20:23 »
@ Pemulung: why does your reaction looks so filled with sarcasm ?

its better to speak out whats bothering you, the members here are old enough to handle some critisism.


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #53 on: 04/10/2009 21:09 »
Nope sir,

Does it looks sarcasm ?, but it's true, my expression came from exciting feeling after finished this thread.
i really apreciate  because many martial arts thoughts, movement analysis, life philosophy and smart joke came from their quote.

Golok Seliwa Bang Husin is came from traditional teaching, but Mantrijeron, Santrikinasih. Maylee especially bung Antara make this ones so contemporary. Complete with modern and actual term, definition and glossary. They combined verywell.
In my mind, Pencak Silat should be developed like this way of kind.

Sorry for all if it sound hyperb, my vocab and expression make inconvenience. It come from my bottomst heart. Golok seliwa is on the top list that i must learn in the next,

Warm regards.
Air Setitik Menjadi Lautan, Tanah Sekepal Menjadi Gunung, Sampah Segunung di laut Menjadi Banjir....


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #54 on: 04/10/2009 23:29 »
no hard feelings, I was only asking a question

and also thnx for your explanation of how you feel about this subject, I respect that

selamat dan silahkan lanjut debat ini


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #55 on: 04/10/2009 23:59 »
 [top] [top]
Yes..no hard feeling...i love you all.. Thank you, you do that you should do bro...

Golok seliwa has potency to socialize to whole world on master antara, mantri jeron, santri kinasih's hands.
Like dan inosanto and steve tarani do with karambit. 

Golok from tiga berantai, Clurit from Jokotole-Pamur, Kerambit from silek minang, keris bali from bakti negara should be socialized intensively and progresively also. We need figure like bung antara, santri kinasih, mantri jeron that can well articulate on modern approach.

lanjuth... :D :D
Air Setitik Menjadi Lautan, Tanah Sekepal Menjadi Gunung, Sampah Segunung di laut Menjadi Banjir....

May Lee

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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #56 on: 06/10/2009 13:03 »
Dear All,

My appreciation to Mas Antara for making this interesting 'Seliwa diary' happened. Moreover, as shown from all of his articles, he always brought a powerful library to support his point of view. No wonder one of silat master like Kakangmas MJ14 awarded him as a 'pesilat akademis' which, as far as I know, not so many martial artist able to drill down the martial art technique in such a way.

Hey, where's the GRP button..? I need to press that stuff..!

Alright..once, a 70 years old farmer told me 2 meaningful words:

"Nor a farmer plant a palm-tree without expecting a palm-fruit.."

Surely, that is the way it should be. In this context, doing something for nothing is responsible to your life (wasting time and money of course). After several years nursing the palm-tree, in normal circumstance, it will start to produce palm-fruits.

Now, look at the Betawi people. They're popular & other people respect them with their 'jawara', beside also known as flower-expertise (Rawa Belong known as one of Betawi silat base-camp is a famous market in flower trading up to now). So, it makes sense that the name and philosophy behind the jurus comes naturally from their daily 'flower-jawara' activity. And, it will give an easy capture illustration when we practice this martial art method. It will give us a path what to get when we arrive there...'fruits'!

"There're 'palm-fruits' in the palm-fruit, and there're 'palm-fruits' in the palm-tree.."

My understanding, nowadays, so many products and its derivate could be produced from this palm-fruit and palm-tree. Say, from the fruit we can get Crude, Kernel, Olein, etc. From the tree we can generate Fibre, Carbon, Pulp, Animal Feeding, and so forth.

What inspiring me is in regard with martial art lesson especially after reading jurus pu'un (tree), kembang (flower), buah (fruit). Several questions come to my mind, such as: "Are there any 'fruits' in every single jurus pu'un (tree)?"

In respect with the wisw statement from the'old guy' above, the answer should be: "Yes, there are..!"

Of course next questin soon arise: " Where are they? Are they hiding in the form of 'what you see is not only that what you got'..?

Well, just my couriousity, maybe we should back again from the beginning, one step backward for at least three steps forward, right huh :-)
Let's investigate jurus pu'un (tree), kindly watching step by step of the movement. For example 'melangkah' in that jurus. Or, even we go deeper to look more detail such as the role of foot-sole in 'melangkah' for instance. Which part of foot-sole to use and for what kind of purpose in correlation with optimal result to be given. Look at silat master like Uda SK. Wow..what amazing..!, his 'langkah' is 'invicible', suddenly he already just about 1 inch in front of us..

I myself like scientific approach to explain that phenomenon but unfortunately (what a pity) for me it's a long long way to go to try to uncover those 'secrets'. A question coming, before I got the answer another already queuing, like walking thru the un-ended road.

That is why, a martial artist who practising one simple jurus for many years could be interpreted as not a 'donkey-rider' but might be the talented one because he/she got an enlightment in exploring and un-covering hundreds or even thousands of 'fruits' in that particular jurus. Like a journey, a wanderer who always meet new people in every shelter he stopped by, even he had left that shelter and coming back the other day, he always meet another new people.

OK, it's a happiness to be with all of you here. But again, please allow me at a moment to just sit 'like a baby' in peace of silence at the hall corner. My 'comfort zone' now on is there: hearing you, seeing you...touching you (ups..!)

Warm & big hug,

May Lee
stuck in the middle of dead-line

santri kinasih

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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #57 on: 06/10/2009 13:30 »
Look at silat master like Uda SK. Wow..what amazing..!, his 'langkah' is 'invincible', suddenly he already just about 1 inch in front of us..

May Lee
stuck in the middle of dead-line

May Lee my dear,

The only reason why I could be so fast to be near you is you...my dear..You make me want more and more just to be near you....Eventhough I have to puke and "misuh" afterward...:)


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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #58 on: 09/10/2009 10:46 »

The first of the kembang is called langkah (steps/footwork), a very simple jurus that consist of only three core movements (opening and ending movements are not counted, you can find them in all of Seliwa’s jurus). So as usual, when jurus only contain small collection of movements, I must look at it as principle-learning-tool instead of collection of how-tos.

The two out of three are basically coordination between left and right arm. Left arm doing blocking, sweeping, passing, trapping, catching or whatever, basically clearing space away for right arm to do its part. Then the right arm follows with the finishing action, could be anything from hook, uppercut, joint break or maybe anything else I couldn’t think of (in my case, usually a lot. Silat tricks always surprises me).

Put golok in right arm, then it could be a stab, an upward slash, or a cut to your very own left arm :'(. Bang Husin was really keen watching me doing this jurus until he finally allow me to hold a golok (and it was a dummy... ???).

The third of the three is right arm travelling far to left side, followed by both arms pushing forward, left palm up, then half way forward, the right arm retracted to solar plexus, palm open and down. I am not sure what this movement is for the first time I learn it, but it is fun to do, kind of movement I like ... ‘silat banget’. Later I accidentally learn that it is a good way to practice trapping. I was playing around with a friend when suddenly he found himself immobilized with right elbow pressed to his ribs and my right finger jab stopped at his throat. It just happened. :D

The golok version I learned later is less friendly. Cut everything that comes close, a ‘de-fang-ing-the-snake’ kind of movement. Funnily, while the movement in jurus is simple, but the application flows with many variations, sometime with completely different angles, different facing, or even different movement altogether (!). But once you grab the ‘feel’ of the basic movement, everything else just flow naturally.

So this what they call, learn only one, use it for many (applications).


So why the jurus named ‘langkah’?

Well, just my thought.
Firstly, apparently the footwork here is the base of all the higher juruses. Take for example, the next jurus called Patah, it is exactly the same footwork with additional ‘patah’ (breaking) movement inserted.

The higher the jurus, the more movements were inserted, but the foundation is still the ‘langkah’.

Just like Pu’un, it is the footwork that gives jurus the real flavor, and serves as container of the important principles. Try to do the arm movements without the langkah, and it becomes tasteless, merely a set of movement you can use in fight but that’s all. Include the footwork, body swaying, body leaning and hip movements, your imagination suddenly boosted with possibilities... and the most important part for me, it is fun. :D

I once overheard a young Taekwon-Do practitioner said to her friend that she switched from Silat because it involves too much dancing. Well, I join silat because it involves dancing. :w
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Re: My Days with Golok Betawi "Seliwa"
« Reply #59 on: 16/10/2009 09:11 »
Tried jurus langkah with faster speed.
cut my little, index and middle finger in one slash.

Thank’s to the tape...  x-))

We always take our wrist for granted, now I can see how important this small region of our body is in our daily life... really difficult to do anything right when your wrist is injured.
Fairy tales don't tell children that dragons are real...
Children always know that dragons are real...
Fairy tales only tell that dragons can be slain...


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