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Mampir dulu di penghujung 2023..
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Semoga Sadulur sekalian sehat semua di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. semoga olah raga dan rasa dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh kita. hampur 5 tahun tidak ada yang memberikan komen disini.
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salam perguruan dan padepokan silat seluruh nusantara.
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Author Topic: Silat Kalimah Malaysia is making a comeback  (Read 4792 times)


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    • Silat Kalimah
Silat Kalimah Malaysia is making a comeback
« on: 07/07/2007 00:17 »
Salam perkenalan

Just so that you know.

For the first time in the history of Silat Kalimah which has got their act together once again.  Now we have launched an official website filled with what else? History.... and what Silat Kalimah is all about.

There's a lot of definition as to what silat is all about and Silat Kalimah is remarkably different, compared to other silat practice.

We appreciate your support so do give us a visit.
The site shall receive a lot of updates with new materials almost weekly.

FYI One of the Guru Utama from Johor has visited Indonesia in mid 90's and met the Ahlul Bait community for some silat related discussion.

Please goto http://Http://www.silat-kalimah.com

Ono koroko dotho sawolo


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Re: Silat Kalimah Malaysia is making a comeback
« Reply #1 on: 10/07/2007 11:55 »

Welcome to our forum..... Hope that our forum is useful.

I've visited your website, it's really interesting. One thing that we can't find is video.... ;D

Salam from Indonesia....


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Re: Silat Kalimah Malaysia is making a comeback
« Reply #2 on: 14/07/2007 19:24 »

Welcome to our forum..... Hope that our forum is useful.

I've visited your website, it's really interesting. One thing that we can't find is video.... ;D

Salam from Indonesia....

Hi parewa

Thank you for the warm welcome.
Everybody is smiling over here in Johor as we see visitors from Indonesia, to our site.

Nothing is ever complete when it comes to silat, unless there are Indonesians involved.

Video  ::)  ?
Well...it is coming really soon. We shall inform everyone once it is posted.

Thank you and thank you again for coming.


Please visit http://www.silat-kalimah.com
Ono koroko dotho sawolo


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