Forum > Pencak Silat Schools and Teachers

Pencak silat Buang Macan From North Java

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Please visit this site for more information

North Java ??*??

is that something new, or are you an explorer who found a new country at our planet  :D

BTW your link doesn't function also, website is unavailable
please repair or this topic will be closed and trashed

Sabar Kang Eric... Sabar...
Mungkin yang dimaksud adalah jalur Pantura (Pantai Utara Jawa), does not necessarily an administrative region like a province. Or perhaps, more like "northern Java" in English translation, instead of North Java, which is true, that province does not exist. Pati is located in northern part of Central Java Province (Jawa Tengah). One of the instructors in the site is Masruri, a well known Pendekar who authored many books in Silat and "Dunia Klenik".

I don't know what is going on with the link, but I could access it. I can send you a PDF extract from the site if you like.

Don't have relationship with Mas Oglenk, just want to help to clarify the misunderstanding...  :)

Jabat erat...

OK mas Don

kalau bisa kirim aja PDFnya, saya ngak bisa masuk websitenya :S

Kang Eric,
Saya sudah kirimkan PDF file ke alamat email personal yang
Aneh, pagi ini saya coba akses lagi situs itu, ternyata memang mati...

Jabat erat...


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