Forum > Pencak Silat Schools and Teachers

Pencak Silat Panca Sila..


Some time ago, a topic was posted entitled "Youtube interesting style" which is about the Pencak Silat style "Panca Sila". Although the reactions were quite positive, I however am still curious about what people know and think about the style Panca Sila. Since many (!) things have changed in our style, I above all wonder whether people know the correct information about this style. Since I know al lot of negativity has surrounded our style, I hope peeple could explain me where this negativity comes from. Hence, I made this topic so hopefully people can freely talk and comment about our style.

For those who are not familiar with our style, please typ in "Pencak Silat Panca Sila" in Youtube and you will encounter a bulk of videos.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Hormat dari hati saya,


Hello Henry,
I don't know if it's been posted before and I missed it..but share a brief history of Panca Sila Silat and also the philosophy of the style ?
I'm sure you know this, the word Pancasila is based on Sanskrit meaning 5 principles.
Does Panca Sila silat mean that the style consists of 5 principles as the foundation ? If so, can you explain what they are ?

Thank you,


Thank you for your reaction. Let me start giving a brief history of our style Panca Sila. It was originally developed by Frans Soplantila and indeed the number 5 runs through the entire system. For example, 5 styles are represented in our system -i.e., Cimande, Tapac Suci, Setia Hati, PO, Pamur. Also 5 animal styles are the basic of our style: harimau, ular, burung kuntul, kuda, monyet. However, since Frans Soplantila is not active anymore, many things have changed. For instance, our ideology has developed in learning to become a sincere and noble person. In other words, our aim is to strengthen your personality in a positive manner. To accomplish this, hard and intensive training are necessary according to us. Although we only have a dutch website, maybe you could gain some knowledge from this site:

This is just a glance from our style. Please let me know when you have any other questions concerning our style or questions related to our videos/site.



Terhormat Pesilat Henry,

Nice to see you on this forum ;-),
With al respect but what kind of negativity you mean? Is it based on the beladiri or in the seni or falsafah? The movies on youtube speeks for it self, you play it with your hart and thats the main thing. Silat must be come from your hart;-).
But importent for the students is the Sumbur Mata Air. And I research the Pancasila Perguruan of Pendekar Soplantila I don't know if I must post it on this forum or to mail you.
Maaf brother Henry there are a view things there are not correct in the 5 mixed styles.
I hope we can discus it, I don't no of this forum is proper way.

Hormat Saya


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