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Author Topic: Silat Batawi  (Read 9953 times)


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Silat Batawi
« on: 02/08/2007 19:53 »
Selamat All;

I sent an email to the sahabatsilat.org/id through the contact page, but I'm wondering if there is another way to go about this.

When I was in Jakarta in 2004 I had the opportunity to be introduced to a pencak silat Paseban Mutakhir. I didn't see that system on the list of silat Batawi styles and I was wondering why or if it was perhaps named something else. I did see a Paseban listed but it was a different name...

Just curious.

Hormat saya,
Hormat saya,


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #1 on: 03/08/2007 00:43 »
Hello Sean

isn't it Silat Betawi ??

Paseban is a part of Jakarta, you might have seen Abadi Paseban, a school in Holland, teacher is Jimmy Schultz (a dutch indo)
I know there are some Paseban schools in Indonesia, if I'm not wrong it is indeed a Silat Betwai lineage,
maybe our Indonesian brothers here @ forum can add something to this thread

regards, Eric


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #2 on: 03/08/2007 06:42 »
Selamat Eric

Certainly could be Betawi - in any case, yes, I am slightly familiar with the Paseban region of Jakarta - that is where the system came out of - very near the Kwitang region, but the system was/is called Paseban Mutakhir. Of that, I am sure!

Hormat saya,
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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #3 on: 03/08/2007 06:59 »
Paseban is Betawil Silat, our forum is facilitated aliran Paseban Lama
we have article about Paseban lama in silatindonesia.com (soon will be  translated to english in silatindonesia.org)
Lemes lebih menang dari keras.lembek lebih menang daripada koeat,antero doenia semoea taoe,tapi tida ada jang bisa djalanin  - Too Tik Ting Fatsal Ka LXXVIII Ajat 442


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #4 on: 03/08/2007 07:12 »

I did see the Paseban Lama and I think there was another one, but that is not the name of this system. It is Paseban Mutakhir. Here is there website. I met them in April of 2004 and trained for the day with Pak Caceng, Pak Saleh, and pesilat Ben.


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Re: Silat Betawi
« Reply #5 on: 03/08/2007 13:09 »
Hi Sean,

We are in the middle to find out about Paseban Mutakhir. We'll get back to you very soon ^:)^

But from Bahasa Indonesia perspective, Paseban Mutakhir means the newest Paseban, while Paseban Lama means old Paseban.



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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #6 on: 03/08/2007 14:14 »
When I was in Jakarta in 2004 I had the opportunity to be introduced to a pencak silat Paseban Mutakhir. I didn't see that system on the list of silat Batawi styles and I was wondering why or if it was perhaps named something else. I did see a Paseban listed but it was a different name...

Hi Mr. Stark, remember me? I was the faceless person calling you over and over as a liaison between you and Mr. Saleh and Ben :D

AFAIK, Mr. Cacang is the last and only inheritor of the style in question, so the scarcity of information regarding the style is undestandable. But, according to stories by Mr. Cacang and Mr. Sale, at least in the 70s the style is somewhat prominent, due to a 'feud' between the style and Mustika Kwitang in competition circles.

I have released some information regarding the style and it's current exponents to the silatIndonesia mailing list sometime ago (like, last year), but due to the tight schedule of sahabatsilat.com members the style is currently still under radar.

Here's to hoping that this will change soon :D


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #7 on: 04/08/2007 19:22 »
Selamat Parewa;

Thank you for looking into it. I know that the system is small in regards to membership but it may very well die out if it doesn't get recognized soon.

Selamat DasaMan;

I remember from the visit my friend, Ben, Galih, Pak Cacang, Pak Saleh, and I believe there were 2 other people there that day one who was Chinese Indonesian and spoke very good English (as did Ben and Galih) and the other fellow I can't place a face on. However, I do probably have a photo that you might be in no?

That was a great day and I have been hoping I will be able to make it back some time. I enjoyed the hospitality and willingness to share your pencak silat. I was especially welcomed by the fact that I was able to practice with Pak Cacang and Pak Saleh.

I also remember being totally killed by the heat.... and humidity.... and I remember that my legs were sakit from the previous days of training in Bandung....... I probably looked quite pathetic :-\ I know I sure felt that way.

I have tried writing Galih an email or two but he's not responded, on the other hand, saudara Ben and I still keep in touch.

What was your name? and is your photo someplace that I could see it?
Hormat saya,


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #8 on: 07/08/2007 11:47 »
Selamat Parewa;

Thank you for looking into it. I know that the system is small in regards to membership but it may very well die out if it doesn't get recognized soon.

The system in general I think will not die out soon, there are at least two other large schools that teach the system. The one that's in danger is Pak Cacang's specific flavor on the system, because there are indications that his system is different to other Paseban Mutakhir schools, most notably the Sinar Paseban school.

I remember from the visit my friend, Ben, Galih, Pak Cacang, Pak Saleh, and I believe there were 2 other people there that day one who was Chinese Indonesian and spoke very good English (as did Ben and Galih) and the other fellow I can't place a face on. However, I do probably have a photo that you might be in no?

The Chinese Indonesia would be Abraham, the other one I believe was a BJJers who was there to 'try on' Pak Saleh in newaza.

I have tried writing Galih an email or two but he's not responded, on the other hand, saudara Ben and I still keep in touch.

Galih does not have a reliable internet connection, so it is understandable.

What was your name? and is your photo someplace that I could see it?

My name is Dimas Sasongko. I doubt you'll remember me because I never met you face to face.

You can see a small photo of me in http://kusanagidojo.blogspot.com/2007/04/most-dangerous-opponent-salam-budo.html, third picture from the bottom.

I'm the guy receiving the worst dress award: black gi top with checkered boxer shorts, a sorry excuse for a Sambo kurtka, slapping on sloppy kuzushi with bad balance on Abraham (the skinny guy in white).

I think I was trying a hiza-guruma, but seeing my lousy form I just can't tell.

I'm also featured in the next photo, just below the above. I'm the middle guy, being manhandled by two opponents. Strangely, though, I believe in that particular photoshoot I was supposed to be the 'agressor.' Hmm...
« Last Edit: 07/08/2007 11:51 by DasaMan »


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #9 on: 07/08/2007 18:02 »
Selamat Dimas;

I like the shorts!  ;D

Thank you for the introduction and yes, you are correct, I don't remember your face, but I seem to remember saudara Ben talking about you. Were you the friend of Ben's that had ties to IPSI and was quite good at pencak silat? In any case, I know that you were unable to train with us that day.

Pak Saleh tried me that day too, as did Galih. It was a great day. Lot's of fun. Lot's of work. Good conversations.

Hormat saya,


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #10 on: 07/08/2007 20:02 »
Were you the friend of Ben's that had ties to IPSI and was quite good at pencak silat?

Ah, Mas Ben has been greatly overexaggerating my credentials. AGAIN. I can't even hold a candle against 14-year-old pesilats I trained with during those days.

In any case, I know that you were unable to train with us that day.

Sadly this is the rule rather than the exception...

Pak Saleh tried me that day too, as did Galih. It was a great day. Lot's of fun. Lot's of work. Good conversations.

Nice to know that you had fun.

Here's to hoping that our conversation here will generate due interest to Pak Cacang's Paseban Mutakhir.


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Re: Silat Batawi
« Reply #11 on: 04/09/2009 14:19 »
Selamat All;

I sent an email to the sahabatsilat.org/id through the contact page, but I'm wondering if there is another way to go about this.

When I was in Jakarta in 2004 I had the opportunity to be introduced to a pencak silat Paseban Mutakhir. I didn't see that system on the list of silat Batawi styles and I was wondering why or if it was perhaps named something else. I did see a Paseban listed but it was a different name...

Just curious.

Hormat saya,

 I already read your comment at sahabatsilat.com. There is a few which I have to explain. I know well pesilat Galih and Paseban Silat Master Mr. Cacang. Both confirm to me that there is no “Paseban Mutakhir”. There is only Silat Paseban Takwa Betawi which established by Grandfather Moh. Saleh. For now, it’s lead by Mr Cacang; and old Silat Paseban lead by Grandfather Salim. About Mr. Saleh which you said that he is a student of Mr. Cacang who hasn’t given permission to teach because of his lack of knowledge. The truth is Mr. Saleh only learn for short period of time under Mr. Cacang and it’s not intensive. So, it’s hard to say that he is not qualify to be a teacher of Silat Paseban. To inform you, Mr. Cacang absolutely had a reluctant if had to use name Silat Paseban Mutakhir. About pesilat Ben, for the truth he is have no relation with Silat Paseban because he is just a Karate and Aikijiujitsu Sensei. He never learn directly to Mr. cacang. So of course he cannot do Silat Paseban well. For email which you sent to Mr. Galih, he already confirm to me that he never receive email from you. In other words, all email which addressed to gbi_club@yahoo.com never delivered to Mr. Galih. If you have any question about Silat Paseban, u can email Mr. Galih directly to his personal email at galih.iman@gmail.com



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