Forum > Pencak Silat Schools and Teachers
Silat school in or around the Richmond, VA area?
Hi, I'm looking for a Silat school in or around the Richmond, VA area. I would also like to find anyone who is studying Silat in or around the Richmond, VA area. Thank You for any help that you can give me!
Thank You,
santri kinasih:
Probably our friends from perisai diri and merpati putih can help you..they have got branches in new york and washington far is richmond from dc?
@Uda SK, if I am not mistaken, Richmond is about 200 km from DC.
Hi Byakku, welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately we only have limited contact with silat players in states. But please hang around, there may be some people checking at their address book right now 8).
For time being, please feel free to join the chat and ask around.
Hi Byakku,
Welcome to the Forum.
Silat Al Azhar has a branch in Virginia and DC.
Here is their website:
I think Mande Muda has a branch in DC and Maryland.
It might be a bit far.
Hi. Maybe you want to try Maelstrom Martial Arts.
Their training location address :
341 E. Broadway, Vancouver
(near Broadway and Main)
phone : 604.908.5833
They have indonesia silat :
Pencak Silat Gadjah Putih Jati Wisesa
Majapahit Martial Arts
Pencak Silat Mande Muda
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