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Author Topic: Cikalong,Sera,Pamacan In Europe  (Read 15676 times)


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Re: Cikalong,Sera,Pamacan In Europe
« Reply #15 on: 04/07/2008 16:11 »
Hallo Uwe,
Thanks for replying. We know Wim Van Zanten. He is a great nice guy! Please send our greeting to him.

And if you look more closer, the young guy with blue uniform on first examples of "Usik-usikan" (the clips wa taken on early 90-er), and also at the end of the vid (end 2007), is Gan-gan Garmana, a son of Uking Sukri, who was a close collegue of Wim Van Zanten.

Gan-gan has a great skill on Kacapi Suling, like his father.
And from video, we can see a little bit on how was his developtment (From early 90-er until 2007). For me it's really interesting.
"Ti Iwung Nungtung Ka Padung, Ti Kanteh Dugi Ka Boeh, Diajar Hirup Nu Teu Mawa Ceda, Lir Ibarat Sinar Mustika, Bari Nyusul Nu Ngaliwat, Malikeun Panyangka Nu Sulaya, Ngabagi Bagja Kanu Sangsara"

Ilmu Padi

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Re: Cikalong,Sera,Pamacan In Europe
« Reply #16 on: 05/07/2008 13:56 »
Hallo bradlee,

this is surely one of the beautiful things of our time: You can meet people via the Internet you never would have imagined to meet. So, I am discussing with you now about a Tembang Sunda musician, who all the years since I learned to know him - or better to say, his music - from the recordings Wim van Zanten made of him accompanied my ways, placeing his music into my head.

Here in front of me, on my table, I have an old vinyl record, entitled "Sunda - Musique et chants traditionels". The musicians are Uking Sukri on kacapi, and Burhan Sukarma on suling. It was recorded by Wim van Zanten in August 1973 (!!!), that is 35 years ago. And we are discussing about the son of one of the musicians, and his improvements in Maenpo Peupeuhan Adung Rais. Let us have a big cheers! to the inventors of this medium, and let's have a big cheers! to the "tuan rumah halaman ini". Please send Gan-gan Garmana my greetings, whose father I learned to have been a great musician.

This world is a good place to be !   8)

bradlee, I will remember your greetings next time I meet Wim, sure.

By the way, you are located in "Garut Pakidulan"? Where there? I have been in Garut, Pameungpeuk, Cikelet, and Kampung Dukuh. And at the "Cilauteureun". One of my partners 1995 lived in Pameungpeuk, his name is pendekar Pak Nono Kandouw, from IPSI Pameungpeuk. If you happen to know him, please send him my kindest regards.

Hey folks here on the board - you are looking for a place and people full of Sundanese beauty and magic? Go to the "Garut Pakidulan" area! Breathtaking people, and breathtaking views.

Hatur nuhun,

« Last Edit: 05/07/2008 13:58 by Ilmu Padi »
Alam takambang jadi guru


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Re: Cikalong,Sera,Pamacan In Europe
« Reply #17 on: 07/07/2008 02:05 »
Uwe, als du über Pameungpeuk bisschen erzählt, es war für mich auch eine grosse Überraschung. So the legend about you is true. Your knowledges about silat “bukanlah main-main”. We are very proud to have a master like you, Eric and other “dulur jauh ti Kulon”.
It’s very hard to find a silat practitioner like you and Eric, which know silat “bukan kulit nya saja”, but dive to its culture and its core, a “silaturahmi”.  [top]

About Garut Pakidulan, Yes… I’m very proud to have a part in my blood as “urang kidul” (Now, I’m also proud as “Niedersachsener”). One of my forefathers came from Cikelet and I also learned pencak silat for the very first time from my Uwa, from Cikajang (then move to Panawuan. You can find some vids in my youtube’s channel. The Paguron is Putra Siliwangi).

Yes, Pameungpeuk and region is very beautiful. Santolo beach, Cilauteureun, Ranca Buaya, and many… I know this region well and miss them much. But I was there not for silat, so about Pak Nono Kandouw, sorry I don’t know him. I was born in Garut Kota, grown up in Samarang (Garut) and Bandung. And I think, for Pak Nono, I'm just "anak kecil" saja. But still, it will make me very proud if I can meet him and send your greeting. :)

Back to the topic about Cianjuran and Uking Sukri. Still one surprise for you.
If you look again in the vids, you can find him (and also Pak Burhan Sukarma) in minute 1:40 – 2:04. There are, from left to right, Uking Sukri, Pak Burhan, Pak Edi, Kang Ade and Pak Adung Rais.

Yes Uwe, this world is a good place to be  ;D
And I’m sorry to other forum’s member if this post is getting a little bit personal and emotional.

Let's us cheers!  :D
"Ti Iwung Nungtung Ka Padung, Ti Kanteh Dugi Ka Boeh, Diajar Hirup Nu Teu Mawa Ceda, Lir Ibarat Sinar Mustika, Bari Nyusul Nu Ngaliwat, Malikeun Panyangka Nu Sulaya, Ngabagi Bagja Kanu Sangsara"

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Re: Cikalong,Sera,Pamacan In Europe
« Reply #18 on: 12/03/2009 13:33 »
nice to learn about Traditional Martial Art in this forum... i know this site from google...

lets share your knowladge Bradlee.....

where you live in germany.... My friend in the Gottingen University...


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Re: Cikalong,Sera,Pamacan In Europe
« Reply #19 on: 12/03/2009 17:05 »
I live in Hannover. Probably, I know your friends.
When he lives in Göttingen, he should know to Bang Doel.
I come often to him, just ask him (or his brother who lives in Hannover) about me.  :)
"Ti Iwung Nungtung Ka Padung, Ti Kanteh Dugi Ka Boeh, Diajar Hirup Nu Teu Mawa Ceda, Lir Ibarat Sinar Mustika, Bari Nyusul Nu Ngaliwat, Malikeun Panyangka Nu Sulaya, Ngabagi Bagja Kanu Sangsara"

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Re: Cikalong,Sera,Pamacan In Europe
« Reply #20 on: 12/03/2009 19:23 »
quote removed

Ok maybe next time i will looking for "Bang Doel".... Thanks for your info.....

C u..... Mr Bradlee... [thank]

« Last Edit: 13/03/2009 11:48 by EricB »


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