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Author Topic: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.  (Read 9910 times)


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Dear Members,

I'm wondering if there are any Buah Pukulan sera/serak teacher's in west Java that are teaching?
I see that in the USA there is the Dethours brothers.Are there any Pukulan sera styles that look the same or similar in Indonesia as the Dethours?



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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #1 on: 01/10/2009 22:27 »
wow,Many views but no reply?
anyone can help with my search for sera teachers in Indonesia? :-\


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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #2 on: 02/10/2009 02:53 »
sera(k) is also in Indonesia a difficult subject, there are many questionmarks
there must be some teachers left, there is already some discussion in the Indonesian part of this forum,
we hope to put some answers (read: guidelines) here also

please stay around, this wil be continued


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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #3 on: 02/10/2009 03:18 »
Dear Kang Eric,

Thank you for your reply.
Unlucky for me I only speak English as my Bahasa Indonesian is very limited.The post you recommend to me would be diffilcult for me to read and understand.
I look forward to hearing from the Member's here as I understand that this is the place for Silat.
would you be able to help with my other question on the forum regarding Kari?


samber gledek

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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #4 on: 02/10/2009 08:12 »
P Eric,

 I met P Sueb from Tunggal Rasa and he has learned Sera before, even I dont know whether this is Sera that we discuss or not. May be I will discuss again with P Sueb regarding this then I will tell what I get.




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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #5 on: 02/10/2009 08:25 »
I'm by no means an expert in this topic :)
Please note, my observation is just based on the difference not on whether one is more effective than the other. For that you'll need to actually get an expert opinion, which I'm not :)
My obvervation is just based on seeing several Serak videos from the DeThoars lineage and also know a few people that have studied the system.
I also saw Serak videos performed by members of Persilat (Silat Panglipur and Domas), and Mande Muda.
In my humble oppinion the techniques and jurus are quiet different between DeThouars Serak and Serak performed by Persilat members and Mande Muda.
To me the movements performed by members of Persilat and Mande Muda seem to be more fluid and use more whipping power (empty during movement and full during impact). The Serak stances performed by Persilat and Mande Muda are also different than that of DeThouars Serak. They have more of a West Java stance and steps characteristics.
DeThouars Serak movement and Jurus is a bit more rigid and focuses on leverage. Stances and steps also look different.
From my understanding Serak is from West Java area. However, DeThouars Serak don't have as much of a West Java Serak characteristics.
Maybe they came from the same source. Over time they evolve in different ways ???
Just my two cents.



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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #6 on: 02/10/2009 13:37 »
@ Godam/Faiz: your observation is right, but there is also a lot of confusion in Indonesia as well about Sera, Serak
there is a dialog going on in the Indonesian section about this subject, we hope to come out with some explanation what everyone wil understand.
This wil take some time to do it properly, we dont want to fall into a discussion about what is first: "the chicken or the egg"

regards Eric


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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #7 on: 06/10/2009 19:34 »
Godam/Faiz/Eric B

Thank you for your input on the subject.
It seems that I may have confussed the issuse with my post in the Bahasa Indonesia section of the forum?Im mainly looking to find the origins of sera and it's current teachers in Indonesia as compared to the USA version.This is why I asked if the Dethours Brothers methods of play is the same as taught in Indonesia or similar?
I ask this because I will be traveling to Indonesia hopfully to study silat and wanted to meet/train with sera teachers whilst there.
It is also true that I'm trying to find information on the kari system of silat as Im looking to find out as much as I can before heading of to Indonesia to train and to find the style that would suit me.Many, have offered me a blend of silat styles/system, but,I would prefer to study  one style indepth instead of a little bit of sera,cikalong,kari and a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

I read on the Bahasa Indonesia section of the forum that the Devries brother's teach in Holland and that they are good fighters from Eric B.I was lucky to have meet some of their student and can honstley say that the guy's I meet coming from the family Devries Linage where very tough and extremy powerfull fighters,it's just a-shame that the system is not open to individuals for training.

I look forward to your replies.


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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #8 on: 06/10/2009 21:01 »
It is true that the  DeThours Brothers are trained bij de family DeVries

I cannot tell if it is still the same mather they teach nowadays in the US 0f A,
unfortunatly I see a lot of differences between the DeThours silat and the DeVries silat, but they both call it Sera(k)
You can also see a lot of difference between the 3 brothers who live in America, Willem, Paul and Victor all do something else, but it is al from the same lineage, this at least strange (to keep political correct) we see their former students now doing totaly different things, also with new names and styles.

For what I have seen about serak in Indonesia it is completly different then what I saw from all the above mentioned people.
They all can fight thats for sure, but is it Serak ...... I honestly don't know

Another thing what is puting question marks is the story behind the origin, there are a lot of different versions about that too.
Now we must find out who is telling the real story, and is the method from the storyteller the thing what we are looking for ?
I hope you can see how controversial this item is.

Just one question: why is it a shame if a teacher does not open his doors for public training ?
Before I have become a "family member" in my Perguruan I had to proof myself, not by kicking and punching or being able to do some juru's,
but I had to show my real character and my mental strenght, I can tell you that took me quite a while,
maybe that is the same with Mr DeVries here in Holland

Regards, Eric


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Re: Buah Pukulan sera teacher's Jakarta,Bandung.
« Reply #9 on: 09/10/2009 03:18 »
Hello Eric,

Thank you for your reply.
what where the main diffrances in the sera that you observed in the USA/Holland compaired to the Indonesian version?



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