Well thank you for the kind words Bram! I didn't see myself as being overly sensitive... but it would appear I stand corrected.
I'm glad to see the change in your tone. Recall, it wasn't to long ago that you thought we had made it up and that we were.... well whatever.... I have no desire to rehash the old discussion.
Thank you for acknowledging that we are preserving the old ways. That's exactly what our point of view is. Also, I apologize for jumping the gun.
I'd like to get back to the subject of this thread. According to what Pendekar Mama has taught us, the Trumbu system comes directly from Embah Kahir. P. Mama has given us 4 Jurus that are mostly done from a VERY low to the ground crouching position. If nothing else, they serve as a WONDERFUL leg exercise.
But obviously, there is much to be learned from these Jurus.
I'm curious, does anyone else who has experience with Halu (or Alu) arts have jurus as well? If so, would you be willing to share about them with the forum?
Eric, do you have any experience with the Halu stick?
Also, did I guess right that the difference in spelling (halu vs alu) is because what we learned comes from Sunda?
One last thing, having never been to Indonesia, until reading this forum, I was never really aware of the importance of the differences between Sundanese culture and Javanese culture. I knew that our arts were primarily Sundanese based, but I had never realized just how important the distinction between the two was. A good example that I can relate to would be if a foreigner mistakenly assumed that because I'm an American, that I must be a Lakers fan or maybe Yankees fan. Or that because I'm from Detroit, why is it that I don't own a Japanese car? These regional differences are obvious to locals and anyone who has some experience here. But to any outsider with limited or no experience, they are easily misunderstood.
So is it true with us... Besides Pendekar Sanders, there are only about half a dozen of us that have been to Indonesia....even those that have (besides Ger Geisen), it has only been for one or two short visits. We are doing our best to honor the heritage from whence our beloved Silat came, but we make some obvious mistakes! :'(
Anyways, my point here is that mistaken details of Sunda vs Java vs other Indonesian cultures, are "our mistakes." "Our mistakes" meaning the students of Pendekar Sanders, Russian’s, Optimus’s, and mine. We post here of our own free will and accord. Though we get much of the factual information from Sanders, we often make mistakes in translation. Indeed, I have many emails from Sanders spelling out exactly the same type of errors that Bram has pointed out. "Hi Mike! The power genie doll is from Sartono, not Cimande village" or, " Hello Michael! The Cebang we do comes from Mas Jud's children, not Pendekar Mama." etc.. etc... As an outsider, these details are small and largely insignificant. Insignificant because I've learned them secondhand and have no direct experience with them. Also insignificant because the origin is of interest to me, but the effectiveness of the techniques is where my real passion lies. However, my desire to be as accurate as possible pushes me to do better. Also, the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. As such, I know understand why it's so infuriating to some that I would mistakenly represent something that's Kejawan in origin as Sundanese. So thanks to this board for teaching me that too!
Again, just to be clear, the mistakes of attribution are mine and ours(ours... meaning the students). Sanders knows very well the details and he's constantly correcting us. If he didn't live 2000 miles away, I'd wouldn't make anywhere near the same amount of mistakes.
Just doing the best I can with what I have....
Thanks for reading and thank you for helping me learn so much!
Warm regards,