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Author Topic: Tusuk Konde  (Read 10627 times)


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Tusuk Konde
« on: 09/03/2008 11:09 »
Tusuk Konde is probably the least taught silat weapon. I don't know of any school that teaches it, but it is an ancient and legitimate silat weapon particularly for women. Weapon grade tusuk konde are often made with pamor and are also poisoned - or so it is said. I have only ever encountered the tusuk konde as a weapon in literature.

Anyone know more?

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali


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Re: Tusuk Konde
« Reply #1 on: 09/03/2008 15:11 »
Bram do you have a picture, I never heard of this weapon.

maybe if I see it it wil be more recognizeable


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Re: Tusuk Konde
« Reply #2 on: 10/03/2008 06:20 »
Sorry Eric I have no picture, but I will describe it better. It is normally used to keep a woman's hair bun in place - it is a hair pin.

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Ilmu Padi

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Re: Tusuk Konde
« Reply #3 on: 14/03/2008 13:49 »
Salam Ranggalana and Eric,

Sorry Eric I have no picture, but I will describe it better. It is normally used to keep a woman's hair bun in place - it is a hair pin.

Salam hangat,

What you describe reminds me on the "sobra Nyai Ronggeng". This is a hair needle which was (is?) used by the "Nyai Ronggeng" or "Dance maid" in a dance art from the Cirebon area in West-Java. The performance art is called "Berokan" or "Barong kepet". The musicians and dancers of the "Berokan" art were pesilat, as is the case with many traditional movement arts and dances in West-Java. I heard of it last in 2006, but I was told it isn't practiced any longer.

According to my interview partner, who is a reknown pendekar from Cirebon, the "Dance maids" used this needle with snake poison whenever somebody came too close to them. The latest application of this tactic I was told happened during the days of the "Perang Kemerdekaan" (1945-49). Then, "Berokan" performance groups that sympathized with the Indonesian patriots applied the tactic on Dutch soldiers and police men ...

This is the story: The group appeared on public places, attracting an audience. The "Nyai Ronggeng" then teased a chosen candidate, and the rest of the performance group invited the candidate to drink. When he had enough alcohol and tried to approach the beautiful woman, she drew the needle from her hair, and he might receive a fast poisoned sting from the "ronggeng". Some days later, he was gone ...  :o

What can we learn from this? You better don't you play with a "ronggeng" in Cirebon :-[ ... One of the many, many "carita kabudayaan Penca Sunda" yet to be investigated ...

Alam takambang jadi guru


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Re: Tusuk Konde
« Reply #4 on: 15/03/2008 16:27 »
Yes Uda,

What the dangerous ronggeng in your story were using were tusuk konde - hair pins. Like the particular type of ronggeng I fear that this weapon is now extinct. Thank you for sharing the story.

Salam hangat,
batu kali jadi candi, duka jadi puisi, jagal jadi wali

Jali Jengki

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Re: Tusuk Konde
« Reply #5 on: 10/07/2008 12:30 »
Salam all,...

In "Betawi Land" this weapon called Cunrik, a  little kris for hair pin. A secret weapon for a "holy woman" in Sunda Wiwitan (Resi). With 10cm, made from wesi kuning (yellow iron) and poisoned.

Cunrik is the first genre weapon in Betawi (about 130-300 AC). Buyut Nyai Dawit one of the Resi who have ever use this weapon (Kitab Sanghyang Shikshakanda Ng Karesiyan (1518)>  site: silat indonesia article : Senjata Tradisional Betawi.

@ Salam Ilmu Padi,...

I never found a dance which called "Nyai Ronggeng" in Berokan Cerbon. As I know, Berokan is a folklore of Cerbon, which using lion head manequin, with "dalang" to use costume of raksasa Syiwa Durga imitation. While The Dalang playing, he blow a horn "sempritan".
For Cerbon people "Lion Head" is a symbolic representation of mighty.

Berokan a word from Arab, "Barokahan", the name gived from Prince Cakrabuana (Mbah Kuwu Cerbon/Kian Santang/Ki Somadullah), it mean "keselamatan". Dakwah and Syiar Islam is the most contents of Berokan, not dance as you called Ronggeng.

About Pencak Silat in Cerbon Folklore, we can found in Angklung Bungko, Sampyong Balerante, Debus, Lais and etc.

Thx, and Salam hangat

Tabe' always......Jali
« Last Edit: 10/07/2008 22:24 by Jali Jengki »
Kullu Nafsin Zaaiqatul MAUT


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